Ch 66 | Buried Deep

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Y/N's POV:

"Come on, Nabi," Kai sighs. "You need to eat something. You're going to die at this rate."

"It takes more than two days to starve to death," you mumble, staring blankly down at the toast sitting in front of you. Just the thought of food makes you want to vomit, let alone the smell and the taste.

"Quit your moping, you can't fix anything by crying," Sunny says, earning herself a glare.

"It was you two who told me to keep the Ho-Jin thing a secret," you bark, making them shrink in size. "If I'd just told him then he would've at least spoken to me. He wouldn't have run away from home like this."

"Alright, alright," Kai groans, frustratedly running his hands through his hair. "We're sorry. We know we're part of why you're in this mess. But seriously, your sister has a point. You need to take care of yourself."

It's been two, coming up on three days since Yoongi walked out of your bedroom. Mr. Song had Hana and Kevin fill in for you at work since you've hardly been able to get out of bed.

You've only lived here a short while, but the room seems so big and empty now. So far you've woken up twice without him next to you, and it carves the crater a little deeper into your chest each morning he's not there. He also hasn't reached out at all, and neither have you because you're trying to respect his request for space.

But it's killing you. You're devastated and can only be numb for so long. It gets really bad at night, and all you can do is sob into one of his pillows, wishing so badly you could turn back time and handle things differently. His scent is the only thing that brings you comfort, yet it also tears your heart apart at the same time.

And if you're being honest, you can't blame Sunny or Kai. You probably wouldn't have told Yoongi about it right away like you should have, regardless of their advice.

This is your fault, and he has every right to be hurt.

It's been radio silence from Ho-Jin. You sent the recording to Jamie but you have a feeling she already knew what was going on, you think she was the one who took the photo at the cafe. Aera actually had an alibi, since she was in court trying to appeal the restraining order.

You're not sure if Jamie and Ho-Jin plotted this against you together, or if Ho-Jin's just a fucking idiot and got caught. Either way, Ho-Jin seems to be out of your hair now.

"Auntie?" Jenna says, poking her head up from the other side of the island. "Does your tummy hurt?"

"A little bit," you smile weakly. "I'll be okay though."

"You always make me eat when my tummy hurts," she huffs, crossing her little arms over her chest. "What's this called? A double stannerd?"

"A double standard is exactly what this is," Sunny smirks, making you roll your eyes. "Come on, Nabi. Set a good example for your niece. Even when you don't feel good, you have to eat something."

Jenna's piercing blue eyes angrily bore into yours and you can't help but groan and admit defeat. You're pretty stubborn, but Jenna, Sunny, and Kai are all somehow even worse than you are.

You take a small bite and chew it before forcing it down, refusing to admit that it does make you feel a little bit better. Sunny also poured some water down your throat, which doesn't feel good on your stomach but hydrating definitely helps your pounding headache some. Against your will, you end up finishing both pieces of dry toast.

"Come on," Kai smiles, taking your hand in his. "You have to go back to work today, let's get you dressed."

After letting out a long sigh, you let him drag you back into your bedroom; the one filled with Yoongi's scent and memorabilia. The one with your photos together hanging up everywhere. Luckily today's job is Yoongi-free, but you know you have to see him at work soon. You're not sure how you're going to make it through the day. It's obvious you're not okay.

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