Ch 81 | Craving

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This chapter contains and/or mentions :
Self-harm/ substance abuse/ depression/ anxiety

Please read at your own risk


Author's POV:

Flashback continued:

"Thanks for coming," Yoongi sighed, nervously kneading his hands together.

"Of course," Namjoon nodded, grabbing Kai's shoulder. "You shouldn't have to face that monster alone."

The three of them met Mrs. Shin at the police station in preparation for Yoongi to meet Aera. He wasn't comfortable doing it alone, so he asked some of your closest friends to come too. They're a good mental support system for him. The three of them were already sitting in the visitor area, waiting for Aera to be brought out. The lawyers were watching from behind the one way glass.

"I can't promise I won't swing on her," Kai grimaced, crossing his arms over his chest. He was only three weeks post-op but already walking around; he just had to be careful of the wound area opening back up again.

"That's why we have these guys here," Namjoon chuckled, gesturing towards the two massive bodyguards behind him. "But remember what the lawyers said. We need to remain calm; don't let her get under your skin. So far she's been completely unapologetic and hasn't shown any remorse for what she did to [Y/N]."

Suddenly the door to the room unlatched, and Yoongi's skin was already crawling knowing she was nearby. He was sitting in a black chair with a wooden table in front of him, Kai in a chair to his right and Namjoon standing behind them. Two security guards escorted her into the room, and Yoongi's jaw slacked when he finally saw her.

After three weeks of no luxury products or makeup, she was almost unrecognizable. Apparently he'd never seen her bare face before. Her eyebrows and eyelashes were nonexistent, her lips half their usual size, and her skin two shades darker. She had on a blue jumpsuit with her wrists in handcuffs, and her usually sleek orange hair almost looked like a lion's mane.

"Damn, you're ugly as fuck," Kai gaped, making Namjoon and one of the guards snort. He seemed equally shocked with Aera's appearance, and it really was a little confusing.

There's nothing wrong with using makeup to enhance your beauty, but Aera had always boasted about being naturally beautiful. She claimed she hardly ever wore any product, and told everyone her hair was naturally straight. It's almost as if she thought she was better than other girls who used a lot of makeup.

She kind of looked like Chucky.

"Yoongi!" she beamed, her eyes lighting up as she ignored Kai. She excitedly sat down in the chair across from him, letting the guards lock her handcuffs to the table.

The crazed look in her eyes made his skin crawl. She was smiling at him like they were old friends.

"Do you know why I'm here?" Yoongi asked her, his blood beginning to boil at the complete lack of empathy on her face.

"Well I was hoping it was to see me," she frowned, glaring at Kai and Namjoon. "But you brought them with you."

"You thought I'd come here just to see you?" Yoongi asked with his brows furrowed in confusion. "Aera, what sort of relationship do you think we have?"

This is what Yoongi didn't understand. Most of his working relationship with Aera was strictly professional. She was a little flirty but she was like that with everyone. They were semi-friends in the same way Taehyung and his makeup artist were. They got along at work functions and would drink together in groups but it was never anything close or intimate.

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