Ch 34 | Intentional

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Y/N's POV:

"Small world, huh?"

Your eyes stay locked with Ho-Jin's as you try to hide the sheer panic in your chest. It's been around two and a half years since you last saw him, and honestly he looks almost exactly the same as he did back then.

His short jet black hair is gelled back, his round face and perfectly clear honey skin making you want to vomit a little bit. He's in a simple white button down tucked into slacks with his sleeves rolled midway up his forearms, and you can tell he still works out a lot.

Ho-Jin would probably be considered pretty average-looking in society's terms but the way he dresses and carries himself makes him seem a lot more appealing to women than he actually is. He comes across like a well put-together gentleman when in reality, he's just a weakling who isn't capable of loving someone more than himself.

"H-hey," he says nervously, shifting in his seat. "Are you here visiting your family?"

"I am," you smile tightly, hoping to keep this conversation short. You're totally over him but that doesn't mean you want anything to do with him.

"Oh, it's your birthday, isn't it?" he asks, making your brows furrow in confusion. He forgot your birthday while you were dating but somehow he remembers it now?

"Yeah," you nod. "I should get back to my table."

"Are you still doing your little makeup gigs?" his boss asks condescendingly.

You forgot her real name but she goes by Jamie. She also looks pretty similar now as she did back then but she definitely had her lips done recently. She's somewhere in her late thirties but doesn't look a day older than twenty-five and has long, wavy hair that goes down to her elbows. The first time you met her you were concerned for her health because she's so skinny she looks malnourished. But apparently starvation is cute in South Korea.

She's pretty well known as one of South Korea's elites. If she's not in the top 1% she's close, and if you know anything about classism over there, you know the elites actually look down on the kpop industry. They're so rich that the money kpop idols bring in is significantly lower than whatever the 1% makes.

To put things in perspective, all of Hybe (not just BTS) has a net worth of around $3.5 billion USD. Samsung, the very top of the 1%, has a net worth of around $270 billion USD.

She's your stereotypical bitchy and loaded chaebol daughter. Ho-Jin is merely her errand boy but he definitely makes good money from it, and apparently gets some extra on the side as well.

There's a smug look on her face that ignites a rage within you. She genuinely believes she's better than you; better than everyone in this room, and you'd love to knock her down a peg or two.

"Who are you again?" you ask with a brow raised, making her jaw almost fall into her lap. Ho-Jin covers his mouth to stifle his laugh and you notice the shiny new Rolex sitting on his wrist. His birthday was just a week before yours and that must be his new gift.

"I see you still have a weird sense of humor," she grins venomously, leaning back in her seat. "You know exactly who I am."

"Oh!" you say excitedly, clapping your hands together. "Ho-Jin's slutty boss, that's right. I almost didn't recognize you after all the work you had done. Was it Judy? Janice?"

You're not usually the type to shame women for plastic surgery but this bitch deserves it, and the look on her face fills you with nothing but pride. The last time you saw her, you ran away sobbing as she laughed at you. She's probably always viewed you as this weak and embarrassing little girl but you're not having it today.

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