Ch 69 | Finally Clear

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Author's POV:

Flashback: 12 days ago

"You excited to get back home?" Hoseok beamed, wrapping his arm around Yoongi's shoulder.

"I am," Yoongi nodded, unable to hide the small smile on his face. His performance was a complete success and he almost transferred his existence through the phone when he finally got to video call you.

"Your girlfriend is probably still crying from your performance, you need to hurry back," Hobi grinned, ushering him forward. You practically sobbed the entire video call and could hardly form words because of how emotional you were. All you could choke out was how proud you were of him and how much you missed him and wanted to see him again.

He was supposed to stay another night and fly back in the morning, but he couldn't wait. The thought of you back in his arms again was all he could focus on, and Hoseok had a fuck appointment with Dede waiting anyways, so he was down to head back early too.

Yoongi settled into his comfortable coach seat on the private jet Drake had scheduled for him, and he immediately dozed off just like he always does. About halfway through the flight he woke up to the sound of Hobi laughing uncontrollably at a video Jimin sent him, and he checked his phone to see how much time was left. He tried going back to sleep but he wasn't able to, so he decided to check his work emails to pass the time.

And that's when he saw a new email from an unknown sender. He thought it was a little strange to see a new email he wasn't aware of, since he and Namjoon monitor the accounts closely and usually know beforehand when new information is coming through. But his brows furrowed down in confusion when he read your name in the first line.

"Maybe I'll just pretend to forgive him."

His stomach dropped when he realized that was your voice, and it only got worse when he heard Kai talking too. Your forgiveness is something he still struggles to comprehend, and having to hear you talk about him in that way was really hard. And of course you mentioned fucking Namjoon behind his back, reminding him of his ex doing the exact same thing.

It was clear that conversation happened a long time ago, back when you were still really hurting from what he did to you, so he tried to brush it off until the next clip played. He certainly wasn't ready to hear the way you and Namjoon used to flirt when he wasn't around, and he could almost feel the sexual tension between you two through the speakers.

"Hyung," Hoseok said cautiously. "Maybe it's best not to listen."

"It's fine," Yoongi mumbled, unaware of how lifeless his eyes were. He went ahead and played the last one as well, hearing you sob to Kai about how disgusted you were for sleeping with him. That one really broke his heart, because he'd never really thought about how much you probably regretted that at some point. He takes a lot of pride knowing he's one of your few body counts, and it made him hate himself all over again.

But at that point, he was okay. He was sad and anxious, and feeling incredibly insecure, but he at least wanted to talk to you and see you to sort things out. His heart even fluttered when your text came through about calling or texting whenever he landed.

Except your text wasn't the only text he received. He had texts from Namjoon and Seokjin as well, letting him know you all must've seen the email, and he also had a photo from an unknown number. With shaky hands and his stomach in knots, he clicked on it.

It was a picture someone had taken right outside of a cafe, and he was a little confused until he saw Ho-Jin's face inside the building. He had his palms pressed to the top of a table and a woman had her arms around him with her hands in his hair, possibly kissing his cheek or something.

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