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Y/N's POV:

"G," you whisper, nudging Yoongi's shoulder. "It's 8:30, I need to get going."

"Wait, what?" he groans groggily, rolling over as his eyes try to adjust to the light. "Why didn't you wake me up? I would've made you breakfast."

"It's fine," you giggle, his droopy eyes fluttering closed as you gently press your lips to his. "I know you're exhausted."

"But you are too," he whines, grabbing your wrists in an attempt to drag you back to bed. "Come on, just five more minutes."

You purposely woke him up early because you knew he'd do this, so you happily slide back under the blankets for some cuddles. He hums in contentment at the warmth your body provides, your hands snaking into his messy hair as his head rests against your chest.

Last night, the car ride back to your place was completely silent. It was a tough situation, because Yoongi was clearly uncomfortable with things while also understanding it was purely for work. He understands you said yes without knowing the context of the photo shoot. He also understands you should be able to say yes no matter what. But he's a little sensitive towards the topic of Namjoon right now because of the weird fight/disagreement they had earlier that day, and you can't blame him.

If the roles were reversed, you wouldn't like it. Namjoon will be half naked for a lot of his shoot, and you'll of course have to be extremely close to him throughout the morning. And Yoongi can't even go, because he has his brunch with his parents to tell them about you. He seemed to be having a hard time with things and you didn't know what to do.

Yoongi had originally planned to just drop you off but you knew things couldn't be left like that, so you asked him to wait a few minutes in the parking garage. He was a little confused but said sure and you quickly ran towards the elevators. After about ten minutes of grabbing everything you needed and stuffing Nala into her cat carrier, you were back down in his car without even asking if it was okay.

"Nala told me she missed you so we're staying over," you said to him, and you watched tears brim in his eyes before he cleared his throat. He couldn't answer you verbally so he gave you a silent nod, but he made sure to hold your hand the whole way to his place. It clearly meant a lot to him that you were willing to stay up even later to spend the night with him.

Once you got back, you made sure to reassure him and let him know how much he's loved, verbally and physically. The two of you had sex in the shower and again in his bed, his mood making a complete 180 by the end of it. You're absolutely exhausted this morning after only getting 5-6 hours of sleep but it's worth it to see him so happy and cuddly this morning.

"Thank you for coming over," Yoongi breathes out, nestling himself more into your chest. "I'm sorry for getting so insecure last night."

"It's okay," you smile, pressing soft kisses to the top of his head. "I understand why the situation would make you uncomfortable."

"But I'm not anymore," he says, squeezing you tighter. "So thank you for taking the time to reassure me. I've never had someone do that before. I really do trust you with my life, Nabi."

The vulnerability in his voice makes your throat tighten. No one has ever gone the extra mile for him like this, and that breaks your heart. You know he'd do the exact same thing for you if needed, which is why it was so easy for you to sacrifice a few hours of sleep to make him feel better. Plus, Nala's still passed out in her little cat hammock Yoongi bought her, so that transition was easy.

"I trust you too," you giggle, running your hands through his hair. You spend some time cuddling him and telling him you love him before it's finally time to leave. Luckily he ended up falling back asleep and you're somehow able to slip out of his iron grip and escape out the door just in time for your phone to go off. You see it's a call from Mr. Song and assume that means he's close.

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