Ch 7 | Enough

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Y/N's POV:

You and Nala are startled awake by loud banging on your front door, someone's heavy fist slamming over and over to get your attention. "[Y/N]!" you hear Kai shout through the door. "Goddammit [Y/N], wake up!"

"What the fuck?" you mumble deliriously, looking over at the clock. At this rate Kai is going to wake up your entire floor so you jump out of bed and spring to the door. "Dude! It's 3:30 in the mor-"

"Ohmygodshutthefuckupforasecond," he slurs so quickly you can hardly understand him. He stumbles into your apartment, drunk off his ass as he flops himself onto your couch.

You nervously glance outside but luckily no one seems to be coming out to see what's happening. Being as quiet as you can, you shut the door before turning around to glare at your best friend. "Kai, what the hell? I thought Aera was the one supposed to be getting drunk?"

"Oh she fuckin' did," he hiccups, putting his arm in the air with a thumbs up. "But gahhdam she c'n hold'er liquor."

"Christ," you sigh, heading to the kitchen to grab him a water. "Did you just leave the bar?"

"Yup. She'd be lossa fun if she wasn uh cunt."

You snort out a laugh, returning to sit next to him and hand him the water along with a few pain meds. This definitely isn't the first time you've handled drunk Kai and it certainly won't be the last. He takes the bottle and chugs it like a kid with two hands before letting out a long exhale.

"Oh god, thass good shit."

"Take this too," you giggle, stuffing the little white pills in his mouth. He swallows them down surprisingly easily before he flops down onto his back again. Nala jumps up onto his chest and his eyes light up like a kid on Christmas.

"My fur baby!!" he shouts, squeezing her to him. She's used to his antics and lets him snuggle her to his body, already starting to pur. Nala's shy around strangers but once she gets to know them she's a cuddle bug.

She apparently has poor judgement though. The only person she wasn't afraid of during the first meeting was Yoongi.

"Come on," you say, patting his leg. "Come get in bed, we'll talk tomorrow."

"Mmkay love you," he grins, getting up to follow you into the bedroom. You give him some spare clothes to change into that he's left here before and he shamelessly strips naked right in front of you, something he's done multiple times before.

You make him brush his teeth before he crawls into the bed, Nala instantly jumping up to continue cuddling with him. He hums in contentment, nuzzling his face against her soft fur. "This's muh favorite place n the world."

"Good, I'm glad," you laugh, sliding under the blanket next to him and gently petting his hair just like he's petting Nala. "Goodnight, Kai."

"G'night Nabi Iloveyous'much."

"I love you too."


"Fucking hell," Kai groans, rubbing his temples in an attempt to relieve the pressure in his head.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" you laugh, sliding him some coffee and a bagel.

"I have no idea how I got here," he sighs, wrapping his hands around the warm coffee mug. He takes a big whiff of the scent before letting out a long exhale. "I didn't drive, did I?"

"Your car's not here," you shake your head. You woke up around 7am and actually felt like going for a run, so you did.

Instant regret. You're not sure how Namjoon enjoys it.

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