Ch 64 | Familiar Words

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Y/N's POV:

"Now arriving: Seoul Station."

You sling your duffel bag over your shoulder and step onto the platform, having to push through a sea of people on a busy Saturday. Glancing down at your watch, you're able to let out a sigh of relief, knowing you're going to make it on time. But your relief doesn't last long when your phone dings with the latest text from Ho-Jin.

Captain Fuckface:
Just arrived. Want anything
to drink?

Your blood, you think to yourself, trying to force down your anger. You're on your way to meet Ho-Jin for a "coffee date" that he had to threaten you to go on. The bastard even made you leave the Nagasaki residence early this morning just to make it in time. But you know you need to be nice. He's the only thing stopping that recording from getting released to the press.

Just an Americano please

Captain Fuckface:
You got it babe

The little food Jimin forced down your throat this morning threatens its way back up; your stomach is in knots and your chest is tight from anxiety. Kai and Jimin didn't hear your conversation with Ho-Jin last night, but they pretty much forced it out of you afterwards.

You had to beg them and make them swear not to tell anyone, because Ho-Jin said he'd release the tape the second someone reaches out to him or his "mole" in the press.

Kai said he'd make up some excuse for you to the Nagasaki's about a last-minute work call or something since you had to leave before they woke up. He wanted to come back with you but it's been years since he saw his family, so you made him stay but promised on your friendship that you'd call him after the meeting with Ho-Jin.

Yoongi landed in LA two hours ago and tried to call, but you made an excuse about being at breakfast with the Nagasaki's. Your time zones are flipped now so he actually just went to sleep, making sure to send a cute goodnight and an "it'll always be you" text that made your heart ache. You almost caved and called him to tell him what's going on, but he needs to stay focused on the performance. He probably wouldn't be able to sit still and you'd rather die than be the reason his first performance back doesn't go well.

Plus, even if you tried explaining the recording, it will still hurt Yoongi no matter what. The things you said were purely out of anger and a little bit of wine, but it definitely doesn't sound like that. You'd never have sex with someone just for petty revenge, and you'd never intentionally hurt Yoongi or Namjoon.

That conversation you had with Kai was a day after you made out with Namjoon in the parking garage, and you were still really hurting. You hadn't yet learned what Aera did to Yoongi.

Her stalking must've been much worse than you thought. That conversation happened during dinner at a bar, and it was just you and Kai. There were people around but no one should've been close enough to hear anything. You have no idea how she was able to record that.

Kai had been teasing you about getting revenge on Yoongi while using Namjoon, and you joked around about it with him. Your heart was broken and the thought of getting even was a little therapeutic, even if it was just theoretical. It wasn't something you'd ever actually do.

"Hey beautiful," Ho-Jin says, waving you over with a big smile. The hair on the back of your neck stands up when your eyes meet his, but you force yourself to walk over to him. He picked a cute little cafe in the middle of Seoul he used to take you to back when you were together. He's dressed in a baby blue button down tucked into navy slacks, his short hair gelled back with sunglasses resting on top of his head.

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