Ch 68 | Anywhere Else

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Y/N's POV:

Your eyes glaze over as you stare down at the hot coffee pouring out of the machine and into your pale orange mug. Brown liquid ripples across the surface, the strong smell of cocoa beans filling the kitchen and living room, grounding you just the tiniest bit. Your stomach has been in knots the last week, but today it feels like it might actually be able to handle some coffee right now.

Today you woke up alone again, but at least it was under better circumstances. Yoongi came home last night and you made sure to give him plenty of space and sleep in the guest room, even though it almost killed you to leave. But it was at least comforting that he was sleeping under the same roof, knowing he was safe and sound all night.

"Good morning," Namjoon grumbles, appearing to your right. He groggily looks down at your coffee and asks, "Can you make me one of those?"

"Of course," you nod, giving him a small smile. He looks adorable with his squinted eyes and messy hair, his round glasses perched on the end of his nose.

He mumbles a thank-you before heading to the fridge, pulling out some eggs and asking if you want any. You decline, but he decides to make an extra for you just in case. He'll definitely eat it if you don't.

"How was last night?" he asks, turning on the stovetop. He's looking incredibly beefy today, still dressed in his Koya pajama pants and navy muscle shirt.

"It was alright," you sigh. "We didn't really talk much. Once I got my toiletries out of the bathroom, we just kind of awkwardly said goodnight and I went to the guest room."

"So what's your plan?"

"My plan?" you ask, starting up a second cup for Namjoon.

"Yeah," he nods. "How are you going to win his trust again?"

Your eyes focus back down on the coffee maker again, and you're unable to give him an answer because you have no clue what to do. Just having Yoongi at home feels like a blessing, and you're scared to ask for more.

"Stop being so timid," Sunny says from the other side, making you flinch from her sudden appearance. "There's no time like the present. Just go in there and fuck his brains out."

"Hell no," you snort. "Call me selfish or whatever you want, but I really would die if he ever turned me down physically. That's not something I'm ready for."

"Then just start with that," Namjoon says, pointing to the coffee that just finished filling up. "Yoongi-hyung is about to leave for a recording session with Hope-ah. Take him some coffee before he lea-"

Namjoon's cut off when the bedroom door suddenly swings open, and out walks Yoongi already dressed and ready for the day. He has on a maroon sweater and black jeans, his hair messily flopped over his forehead with some black rimmed glasses sitting on his face. He must not have heard you three in the kitchen because he seems equally surprised to see you all up so early.

Butterflies race through your stomach when his eyes meet yours, and you're smiling like a giddy schoolgirl without even realizing it. He awkwardly averts his eyes but you see those pink ears, so you'll take this as a small victory.

"Good morning," Sunny grins, her cheery voice somehow relaxing the atmosphere.

"Morning," Yoongi nods, walking past everyone in the kitchen. "Mrs. Shin is here to pick me up, I have to head out. I'll see you guys later."

Your stomach sinks when he walks past you without looking, and Sunny elbows you in the ribs hard enough to snap you from your trance. "What are you doing?" she asks under her breath, pointing at the coffee. "Go take it to him. You know he likes that one."

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