Ch 13 | Wrong

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This chapter contains and/or mentions :
Self-harm/ substance abuse/ depression/ anxiety

Please read at your own risk


Author's POV:

Life was boring for Min Yoongi.

He loves music and he loves his fans, but he'd lost his purpose and had been coasting on autopilot for a while. He wasn't sad but he wasn't happy either, finding very little enjoyment in life. His days were always spent the same way. Work, eat, work, sleep, maybe play a video game, work, and then sleep some more. He felt numb, as if nothing could excite him anymore.

That is, until you walked in the door.

He remembers sitting on the floor, his heart instantly racing as his eyes fell on the new girl walking into the room. You were dressed in a simple blue t-shirt and black leggings, your hair down with very little makeup on your face, but you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

Jimin had mentioned he thought you were pretty, but Jimin also tends to think any girl with a good heart is pretty. That's just the kind of guy he is.

Before Yoongi even realized what he was doing he'd sprung to his feet, running up to you to introduce himself. The way your eyes sparkled just from meeting him shot butterflies through his stomach. He'd met thousands of beautiful women before, but there was something about the way you carried yourself. The way you radiated your warm and kind energy. It made him feel things he hadn't felt in a long time. And then he watched you get flustered as soon as he complimented you, making him even more curious and drawn to you.

Over the next couple of weeks, Yoongi made it a point to seek you out. He wanted to get to know you, curious to find out what this nervousness in the pit of his stomach meant. It'd been years since another woman made his heart thump the way you did (and still do).

He could tell you had your guard up because he used to be the same way. His best friend of ten years knocked up the girl he was seeing and it nearly destroyed him. Unfortunately it was during a time in his life where he'd already been dealing with depression and anxiety, and having to lose his girlfriend and best friend overnight was not something he handled well.

Music was incredibly therapeutic for him but that's not the only outlet he used. For a while, he self-harmed and turned to drugs and alcohol to ease the pain, even if it was just for a little. Seokjin, Hoseok and Namjoon got him through the worst of it with him, getting him into therapy and distracting him with song writing and lyricism.

That was well over five years ago, and Yoongi had done a lot of healing. He'd dated one person for about a year on and off after all that but it didn't work out because he wasn't in love with her. He tried, because she was a good woman, but he couldn't do it and ultimately had to let her go. So he stuck to casual flings or one night stands for a while until he could find someone worth chasing after.

But you... you made him enjoy life again. He looked forward to waking up in the morning for the first time in months. He was itching to talk to you any chance he could, and it was clear as day you liked him back, even if you were scared to admit it.

Everything about you made his chest tighten — the way you looked at him, the way you smiled at him, the way you called him G, the way you showed affection by doing little acts of service for him.

When you turned him down, it didn't phase him in the slightest. He knew it was because of something in your past and that it was not a reflection of him. He knew you had feelings just as strongly as he did, and he was going to wait for you as long as it took.

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