Ch 24 | 10 Hours

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Y/N's POV:

Something brushes against your nose but it's a bit uncomfortable, beginning to pull you out of your sleep. You try to turn your head but that sensation continues to slide across the tip of your nose, almost feeling like... sandpaper?

Your eyes finally pry open and you're startled by a set of massive green eyes and white fur licking all across your face. You gasp and spring forward in your bed, sending Nala flying across the room.

"Oh shit," you gape, watching Nala soar like an eagle through the air. Luckily she's stealthy and magically lands on all fours about five feet away, immediately strutting into the bathroom like nothing happened. You place your hand over your chest and let out a long exhale, thanking the universe you didn't just murder your cat.

The room starts to spin a little and your head pounds, making you groan and rub your temples. "Fuck, I drank too much."

Glancing over you see a glass of water and some pain meds set out on your nightstand. "I love you, Jeffrey," you sigh, quickly swallowing down the medication. You sit in your bed for a few minutes, trying to figure out how you got home. Someone must've taken care of you since your makeup is off and you're dressed in pajamas.

You decide to jump in the shower and rinse yourself off from last night's sins, feeling light as a feather outside of your headache. But then the memory of ugly ass man bun pressing his lips to yours flashes through your mind, nearly making you vomit the aspirin back up.

"Disgusting," you grimace, spending some extra time scrubbing your face and mouth. After another ten minutes you step out and dry your hair, stepping into some fresh sweats and a black hoodie. It's actually Namjoon's hoodie that he sent with you and it smells like him. You snap a quick good morning selfie in it and send it to him.

You're in an incredibly good mood today and you're not sure why, but who are you to question it? You're a woman. Mood swings happen all the time. It's a fact of life you've accepted.

You swing open your door and practically skip down the hallway and into the kitchen where Jeffrey's making breakfast, which is pretty unusual since Sunny's the cook in the house.

"Good morning," you beam. "Where's Unnie?"

"How are you even alive right now?" he chuckles, turning around to look at you. "She's on the couch but she's not very responsive. Jenna's playing with Yoongi."

"Yoongi?" you ask with your brows furrowed, turning your head towards the living room. "Why would Yoo-"

Within a split second all the air leaves your lungs, your knees almost buckling as your eyes lock with his. He's in a black t-shirt and black sweatpants with some clear rimmed glasses resting on his nose. And at that moment, all of your memories come flooding back. Every. Single. One.

How he saved you from man bun, how he held you in his arms on the way home, how you so desperately and obviously wanted to kiss him but settled for his cheek, how he cleaned the makeup off your face, how he complimented you, and even how he kissed your nose and promised it would always be you before shutting your door.

Jenna's sitting in his lap while Sunny looks like a zombie passed out next to him. He gives you a big gummy smile and says, "Good mor-"

But he's cut off by your gasp as you turn around and sprint back to your room, slamming the door closed.

"Oh fuck fuck fuck," you say shakily, sliding down your door with your hands over your mouth. "What the fuck is happening right now?" Nala seems very concerned for your mental health as she stares at you from her litter box, dropping a fresh new shit for you.

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