Ch 71 | Venomous

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Y/N's POV:

You stare down at Yoongi's sleeping face, taking in all his beautiful features that make your heart both flutter and ache. Even with having no sleep and not eating for the last week or two, his skin is still perfectly clear and it's a little annoying how his eyelashes are prettier than yours. Your hand gently cups his cheek, your thumb smoothing over his plump bottom lip to wake him up just a little bit.

"G," you say quietly, watching his brows scrunch and his eyes slowly flutter open. "I have to go to work."

"Already?" he grumbles, turning to squint at the clock that reads 7:30am. Of course today's the day you have to wake up early and he gets to sleep in. He looks back over at you and asks, "Are you leaving now? Want me to make you some coffee?"

"It's okay," you shake your head, your chest tightening when he gently grips your forearm. "I have to go now, I'll just grab one on the way."

"Okay," he frowns, his eyes screaming that he wants you to stay. "Does Jimin have an event today?"

"No, I'd signed up to help out with one of the girl groups this week. It's been kind of nice getting to work on women again."

"I bet," he breathes out, starting to wake up a little more. Your cheeks turn a little rosy as you look down at his thumb mindlessly stroking over your forearm, the small gesture causing goosebumps to rise over your skin. "When will you be back?" he asks, snapping your eyes back to his.

"It's about an hour away, so I probably won't be back till 7 or 8 tonight."

"Okay," he nods, his eyes anxiously searching yours. It looks like he has so much to say but he knows you don't have time right now. "I'll be here when you get back. I'd like to talk if you're feeling up to it."

"I'd like that," you smile softly, making his shoulders relax. All the anger the two of you had held inside this past week has completely disappeared, and all that's left is sadness, affection, and a bit of regret at how things were handled by both sides.

"I'll cook for you," he says, sitting up to be eye level with you. "Anything sound good?"

"I want whatever you want," you grin, his hand sliding down to lace his fingers with yours. "But maybe no tofu. I've been eating too much of that lately."

"Okay," he chuckles. "Something without tofu."

The room falls silent as you both stare into each other's eyes, and your stomach does a backflip when he leans forward to rest his forehead against yours. "I love you," he says softly, his thumb smoothing over your knuckles.

"I love you too," you whisper, tears brimming in your eyes as your throat tightens.

Last night was miserable and scary and wonderful all at the same time. The two of you love each other so much that it can sometimes be overwhelming. It was good to get all that pent up anger and resentment out of your systems, and hopefully now you two can focus on healing, both individually and as a couple.

There's so much to be said, but at least for now, it's clear that neither of you intend to give up.

"Thank you for fighting for me," Yoongi says, the vulnerability in his voice making your lip quiver. "Thank you for staying."

"I would do anything for you," you say shakily, squeezing his hand tighter and pulling back to look at him. "Even when I want to punch you in the face."

He huffs out a laugh and that deep morning chuckle almost as you ripping his clothes off again, regardless of how sore you are from last night. You woke up this morning and went to the bathroom to shower, the sight of your red and purple body almost giving you a jump scare. There's hickeys all over you, and there's a few bruises from how hard his fingers gripped your arms, hips, and thighs.

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