Ch 12 | Goodbye

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Y/N's POV:

Your legs tremble as you walk towards Jimin's bedroom door, Namjoon leading you with your hand in his. Kai's eyes are burning holes into the back of your head so you stop right before Namjoon can reach for the door handle and turn around, giving your anxious best friend a small smile.

"I'm okay," you mouth silently.

He nods, flashing you a big grin and mouths, "I love you," back. You take a deep breath before turning back around and giving Namjoon a look, letting him know you're ready.

"I didn't tell him we aren't actually seeing each other," Namjoon says softly, holding the door handle. "I wasn't sure if you wanted him to know or not. I stayed pretty quiet while he tried explaining the whole Aera thing."

"Okay," you nod, squeezing his hand. "Thanks, Joon. I don't want him to know anything about me yet, so I'd like to pretend a little longer if you're okay with it."

"Of course," he grins, squeezing your hand back. "Let's talk about it together tomorrow."

You nod, taking another few deep breaths before he's pushing the door open. He lets you go in, slowly closing the door behind you. First there's a small hallway with an opening on the right that leads into the master bathroom. After a few steps you walk into Jimin's massive bedroom, his walls painted a light gray with all sorts of medals, trophies, and awards resting on black floating shelves. There's a black dresser, a desk, and a lounge chair but your eyes immediately fall on the king sized bed — more like the person sitting on the king sized bed.

Every nerve in your body starts firing off as soon as your eyes lock with Yoongi's, your brain getting overwhelmed with so many different signals going off. Part of you wants to run away, part of you wants to throw up, part of you wants to sob, but the biggest part of you wants to hold the broken man in your arms and comfort him as he cries.

But there's still that part of your heart that's damaged and bleeding, and it's happy he's devastated. It's almost satisfying to see him finally realizing what he's done. To feel the pain he put you through for eight weeks straight.

Tears immediately pour from his eyes as he stands up off the bed, looking at you like he hasn't seen you in years. As if you went missing five years ago and suddenly returned. He looks like hell, his eyes bloodshot and his hair a mess, his bucket hat laying on the other side of the room. His hands nervously knead together as his lips part, probably trying to find the right words but he's drawing a blank.

His eyes say it all though. They're screaming "I'm sorry" and "I'm such an idiot." There was a small part of you that was nervous he still wouldn't feel bad even after finding out the truth. That he'd try to put all the blame on Aera and not take any responsibility. But that's not what he's going to do. That's not who he is. Yoongi is someone who knows how to admit he's done wrong, even when he's in pain.

"[Y/N], I..." he says shakily, pausing to clear his throat. "Um... I don't know what to say... or where to begin..." The sound of his voice makes you want to crawl out of your own skin. His normal deep and husky voice is higher and trembling, barely able to get any words out.

"What do you want?" you ask, keeping a stoic face even though you're on the verge of puking. "Why did you bring me in here?"

"T-to apologize," he says quietly, looking down at the ground.

You eye him up and down with a brow raised, crossing your arms over your chest. "For what exactly?"


His eyes meet yours and you have to swallow down your nausea. Your legs are still trembling but he doesn't seem to notice since he's only looking at your face. "If you're not going to be clear and just waste my time then I'm leaving," you say angrily, turning on your heel to head for the door.

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