Ch 4 | Jealous

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Y/N's POV:

The bile in your stomach threatens to come up as you hear the door creak open, but relief floods over you when it's just Seokjin and Namjoon walking through.

"Good morning [Y/N]," Namjoon beams, making Jin wince from how loud his voice booms. One of them woke up early for a morning run, and the other clearly just rolled out of bed, yet they both look so beautiful barefaced at 7 in the morning.

"Good morning," you smile, standing up to give them a small bow. "How did you guys sleep?"

Seokjin mumbles some sort of response but he's too sleepy to make sense. He beelines it for the corner of the room and flops down on the ground, using his backpack as a pillow to fall back asleep.

"I slept fine," Namjoon chuckles, plopping himself in the seat next to you. "How about you?" It's a little irritating how he's only wearing a red hoodie and black sweats yet he still looks absolutely gorgeous. Jin looks nice too, but he's still dressed in his RJ pajamas.

"Same" you lie through your teeth. You got around four hours of sleep since it took so long for your mind to stop racing.

One thing you love about Namjoon is that he's an extravert. If given the opportunity he'll talk your ear off, which used to be a little draining but now it's your saving grace. Thirty minutes pass by as you listen to him talk about his workout and what he did last night, easily distracting you from the impending doom that is Min Yoongi.

More people start to shuffle in the door but you stay planted in your seat, now pretending to be very intrigued by the museum photos he's showing you on his phone.

"Good morning you two," a cheery voice says from your right. You look up to see Jimin standing over you with a huge grin on his face, which is a little suspicious since he's not at all a morning person.

"Someone's in a good mood," Namjoon chuckles, somehow making Jimin's grin wider.

"I am," he smiles, his eyes shifting back and forth between you both. "Wow, [Y/N], you look really pretty today. Did you do something with your hair?"

Your brows furrow down in confusion because you look the exact same as you always do: leggings, a loose t-shirt, with your hair up in a messy bun. The only difference is that you do have a little bit of foundation on to cover your massive eye bags.

"Um... thanks?" you say as more of a question. "And no, my hair is the same."

"Doesn't she look really pretty today, Namjoon-hyung?"

And that's when you realize what he's doing. You'd totally forgotten you lied and told Jimin you have a crush on Namjoon.

"Of course she does," he grins innocently, flashing that ungodly dimple smile. "[Y/N] always looks pretty."

Your cheeks flush a bright red from embarrassment but of course Jimin takes that as you being flustered by Namjoon's compliment. The sound of Kai's laugh is heard by the three of you and the person standing in the doorframe laughing with him almost makes you fall out of your chair.

He's talking to Aera, zero hostility in his voice or eyes. He actually looks like he's enjoying their conversation. He's dressed dazzlingly again in all denim with just a white tee under his jacket, and Aera's looking cute in a green long sleeve mini dress with pink heels.

How the hell does she stand up for hours on end in those? you think to yourself.

She sees you staring from the corner of her eye and smirks, and there's no way Kai didn't catch that. But he continues on like nothing's wrong, even walking with her all the way up to the table you're sitting at.

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