Ch 45 | Step Back

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Y/N's POV:

"Jesus," you groan, begrudgingly removing your covers to get out of bed. Goosebumps rise across your skin as the cool air washes over you, making you shiver uncomfortably. "Alright, alright," you huff. "Quit your bitching."

Nala's been meowing (more like screeching) from the kitchen for the last ten minutes because she thinks she's starving to death. You give her an attitude while you pour her food, but she just eyes you up and down like the pitiful slave that you are. Somehow this eight pounds of fluff is able to order you around like you're nothing.

But you'll let it slide. You cried yourself to sleep last night for the first time in a while and she was right next to you the whole time. That's something she did for you many times two months ago.

You're not very hungry but you force yourself to make some eggs and toast, knowing you need something to soak up the alcohol. As you sit down to eat, thoughts you're not ready to address begin to creep into your mind and it makes you nauseous. Wanting to push back reality just a little longer, you flip on the television and watch the news, ignoring the way your phone's buzzing in your room.

Of course, the headline is talking about you. There's actually a few different photos of you on the TV with your face blurred, but they're proving that you work for Hybe and that it's very possible you really were there for business. You stare intently at the screen and even listen to a panel of different people speculate about you and your relationship with the members. Most of your photos are actually with Jimin, so that's becoming a new rumor too.

Reality forces itself back onto you when the sound of your doorbell goes off, scaring the shit out of you and Nala. Following the bell is a series of loud thumps on your door and your eyes start to roll before you even hear Kai's voice.

"[Y/N] pllleeaaassseeee," he sobs through the door, sounding extra dramatic as if you're dying without saying goodbye. "I'll do whatever you want. You can punch me in the face. You can take my credit card for the day. Please forgive my insolence, I deserve one thousand years of punishment." He continues pounding on the door and you finally stand up to stop his nonsense.

"Can you shut the fuck up?" you bark, swinging the door open. He stumbles inside and somehow ends up crashing onto the floor. "It's 8am on a Sunday, stop trying to wake the whole complex up."

"My beautiful best friend," he wails, sitting on the ground and clinging to your legs. "I'm so sorry for existing. Please, forgive me. I love you so much."

"You're so damn annoying," you growl, noticing a very small Jimin dressed in a gray hoodie and gray sweatpants with his sunglasses on. The only reason you can tell it's him is because of those big ass lips. You flick your head to have him come inside too.

"Sorry about him," he sighs, taking his hood off as you close the door. "He's actually been up since 5:30am crying and begging me to bring him here but I knew you needed sleep."

"Smart move," you smile tightly. "I would've killed this bastard if he'd woken me up at 5:30am."

"I offer myself as a sacrifice," Kai bawls, his forehead now pressed against the floor as he begs for forgiveness. "Please accept this useless life of mine."

"No thanks," you snort. "I've seen your life, I don't want it."

You head over to your couch and sit down on one end while Jimin sits on the other. Kai remains prostrated on the ground in apology, still sobbing his heart out and soaking your wood floors.

"So do you have anything else to say to me?" you ask, leaning back and crossing your arms over your chest. "I know you're sorry, I don't want to hear apologies."

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