Ch 65 | Unchanged

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Y/N's POV:

"[Y/N], you need to calm down," Namjoon says, watching you pace back and forth from the couch. "Hyung might not have heard it."

"But he might have," you whimper, tears welling in your eyes while your stomach turns over again. "And he still could. He'll hear all those terrible things I said about him and will think I've been lying this whole time."

"Nabi, you were hurting," Sunny frowns, grabbing your hand to stop you. "We all know you didn't mean those things."

"He's not going to be hurt by this," Namjoon says, and your eyes snap over to his. "He loves you. He'll understand." Time stands still for a few seconds as you stare into Namjoon's soul, and you know he's only saying what you want to hear.

"You don't even believe that," you say shakily, one tear falling down your cheek. "Joon, you know he'll be devastated. Maybe if it had just been that first recording, sure... but not the rest."

That's right. There was more. Ho-Jin had mentioned he only sent you one clip, and it turns out he wasn't lying. Aera had to have stalked you for weeks because she somehow got three different conversations of you demoralizing Yoongi. Everything you said was during that short time between telling Namjoon the truth and finding out why Yoongi did what he did.

"This could affect your relationship with him too," you say to Namjoon, making his jaw clench. He wants to act strong but he knows he's screwed too.

One of the recordings was a private conversation between you and Namjoon in one of the dressing rooms. You were so angry and frustrated that day, and you told him how much you regretted ever meeting Yoongi. And Namjoon's playful response was, "I'm glad it happened. Now I get to have you in my bed every single night instead."

He only said it to hype you up. You didn't stay with Namjoon every night, and if you remember correctly, you didn't even stay with him that night. But that, compounded with the first one of you saying you'd fuck Namjoon behind Yoongi's back makes this situation so much worse.

The last recording wasn't as bad, it was just you venting to Kai about being disappointed in yourself for sleeping with Yoongi. But even that one's going to sting. Yoongi takes a lot of pride in knowing he's one of your few body counts.

The only saving grace right now is that those recordings weren't released to the public. The BTS members have a shared group email folder and that's where Namjoon found them. He actually thought it was spam at first until he saw it had your name on it. Emails are usually filtered out before getting into the inbox, so he's not sure how it got through.

Namjoon forwarded the email to Mr. Song before deleting it out of the inbox, and you have no clue if Yoongi saw it or not. He's got WiFi on the plane but he usually likes to sleep when he travels, and he's supposed to be landing any minute now.

"Jin, you've been really quiet," Jeffrey says. "What do you think?"

Seokjin keeps his eyes averted over towards the front door, and your throat tightens even more at his silence. He knows Yoongi better than anyone else. He pretty much answers the question when he bites into his cheek, not wanting to say it out loud.

If Yoongi heard the recordings, he's not okay.

"Oh my god," Sunny says, her hand loosely over her mouth while looking down at her phone. "Has anyone heard from Yoongi?"

"No, why?" you ask, looking over her shoulder. "Did something ha-"

SUGA of BTS has landed safely in Seoul

Now the real panic is setting in. There's multiple photos of Yoongi at Seoul International Airport dressed in all black, with sunglasses and a mask on to hide his face. He's waving at the crowd but it's impossible to see his expression.

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