Ch 76 | Terrified

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Y/N's POV:

The smell of fresh linen and antiseptic flush through your nostrils, awakening your senses and forcing your body to respond to stimuli. Your ears are picking up a familiar sound but your brain isn't quite alert enough to understand what it is, so you unconsciously focus on your other senses for the time being.

The soft fabric beneath your arms and legs makes you hum in contentment until suddenly a harsh pulse strikes through your head, the pain washing nausea over you so intensely you're springing up from the bed. It feels like someone is drilling a nail straight through your skull, the vibrations so intense that you can't feel anything else.

Before you can even open your eyes you're doubling over and crying out in pain, your hands clutching either side of your head in an attempt to ease the pounding but it does nothing. Your throat burns from how loud you're screaming, and that only intensifies your agony. There's more of that familiar sound from all around you, but nothing is registering. You can't hear or see anything.

It's just pain.

And as quickly as it comes, it goes.

Suddenly that miserable pounding stops, and within that same breath, you become so sleepy that you can't sit up anymore. Before you flop down on your back again, you feel a pair of strong arms cradling your head and neck, easing you back down onto your pillow. It finally feels like you can breathe again.

"It's okay, Nabi," you hear that familiar voice say. "Go back to sleep."

Your eyes flutter open the tiniest bit, your body fighting against the morphine as hard as it can. "G," you're barely able to whisper, a few tears falling down the sides of your face. It's hard to see since everything is blurry but you know it's him staring down at you. "G," you say again, his hand now clutching yours as your eyes close again.

He tries responding to you, but you don't hear it.

Just like that, the darkness takes over. And you're back in a deep sleep again.

For the fourth time.


"I don't..."

"No, she is..."

"...for her..."

Those familiar voices ring again in your ears, the muffled sounds from people within the room, and your body immediately braces for impact. Your mind may not understand what's going on, but your muscles remember. This isn't the first time you've woken up to these circumstances.

Fresh linen. Antiseptic. Soft cushion beneath you. Those familiar voices.

It's going to come again. That miserable pain. The feeling of someone taking a sledgehammer to the side of your skull.

Your lungs make a sharp inhale and your shoulders tense, your body already preparing for the worst, just like it has been for a while.

But this time, it doesn't come.

There's no gut wrenching pounding between your ears; it's more of a dull ache this time. Your body slowly starts to relax as your eyes try to flutter open, the noises around you getting a little bit louder.

"Nabi," someone says, the sound of their voice making tears brim in your eyes. A soft hand gently grabs yours and they say your nickname again and again, your vision getting a little clearer with each second.

"Miss [Y/N]?" a woman says, your eyes squinting as a pen light is shone straight into your pupil. "Can you hear me? Are you in any pain?"

"Head... hurts..." you mumble, your body too weak to stop whoever's hand is forcing your eye open to keep looking at it.

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