Ch 72 | Someone Close

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Y/N's POV:

"Please," you say shakily, clutching the seatbelt over your chest. "Just let me call an ambulance for him. He didn't see who stabbed him so you guys won't get caught."

"It's already been 15 minutes," Chul says nonchalantly, keeping his eyes on the road. "If no one's found him by now, he's already dead."

Quiet sobs leave your chest as you picture the look in Kai's eyes while blood poured from his neck, his body going limp before Chul drove his car off with you in it. There's still a blade pressed against your neck by someone in the backseat behind you, but they have a ski mask on so you can't see their face. They haven't said a single word; you're not even sure if it's a male or female, but the hand holding the knife certainly looks masculine.

"Where... where are we going?" you ask, trying to ignore the dried blood all over you. "What do you want?"

"Just be quiet," Chul sighs like you're a pain.

If you want to survive, you know you need to shut up and follow his orders, but that's a little difficult considering how overstimulated you are. Your best friend was just stabbed in front of you, and no one was around to witness it. Not only that, but Yoongi isn't expecting you for another hour. You'll be long gone by the time anyone knows something's wrong.

But mostly you're worried about Kai.

"Is this because I rejected you?" you blurt out, your body now trembling in fear. "It made you angry enough to commit murder?"

"Oh, darling," he chuckles while shaking his head. "You've done much more damage than just that."

"W-what the hell have I done to you? We spoke for the first time the other day."

"You got me fired, bitch," he hisses, finally looking over at you with pure hatred in his eyes. Your jaw slacks as you look at him in disbelief, because you didn't think Yoongi would actually fire the guy. All he did was ask you out.

"Seriously?" you gape. "You were willing to become a murderer over a job? If you'd just told me what happened I could've helped you out."

"Oh don't give me that bullshit," he scoffs, looking ahead again. "We all know you'd never challenge him. Your little boyfriend definitely wears the pants in that relationship."

"That's not true," you say with a lot more confidence than you actually have. "Even now, I can still get you out of this mess."

He smirks and says, "Trust me, I have a much stronger support system than you could ever provide me. You and your shitty boyfriend won't be able to touch me."

There's zero remorse in his voice. He's not panicked at all. Your best friend is probably dead right now because of him and he's not fazed in the slightest. Chances are, this isn't his first time and there's nothing you can do or say to change his mind.

He's a sociopath.

Heavier sobs rip from your chest as reality really starts to sink in. You're probably going to die today. Or worse, you're going to wish you were dead depending on whatever he has planned for you later.

The only good news is that he must need to keep you alive for some reason. He could've killed you right after Kai, but he didn't. He mentioned some sort of support system, so he must be taking you to them.

"Shut her up," Chul growls, and your breath hitches when the man behind you grabs your throat, yanking you back and cutting off your airway. He tightens his grip, your hands clawing at his arm as you beg him to stop.

"O... kay..." you choke out, more tears pouring from your eyes as you feel your windpipe getting crushed. "I'm... s-sorry."

He doesn't budge, and after a few more seconds your vision starts to get a little spotty. "Okay, let her go," Chul says, making the other one release you instantly and sending you into a coughing fit. Your lungs burn as they desperately gasp for air, your hands gently gripping around your neck in an attempt to ease the pain.

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