Ch 47 | Without Words

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Y/N's POV:

"What did you just say?" Yoongi asks with his lips parted in disbelief.

"I went to lunch with Kai," you answer, gently grabbing his wrists as you look up at him. Your skin tingles as he holds your face between his hands. "And we ran into Aera."

His eyes widen and you see the fear behind them, but he's not scared for himself. He's scared for you. "Are you okay?" he asks frantically, turning your head as if he's searching for injuries. "Did she hurt you?"

"She didn't hurt me," you shake your head. "Kai was with me, he'd never let that happen."

"I meant with her words," he frowns, making you bite into your lip. "That witch is much more lethal emotionally than she is physically."

There's no one who knows how manipulative and scornful Aera can be better than Yoongi does. He experienced her vile and toxic behavior for months, and the things she said to break you down probably don't even hold a candle to the things she said to him behind closed doors.

Your reaction must've given him his answer because his eyes shift from fearful to furious, his grip on your face tightening just slightly. "What the fuck did she say to you?" he growls under his breath, the rage in his voice nearly sending a chill down your spine.

"She..." you pause, a little bit scared to say these things out loud. It makes it more real, and you hate how easily her words crept into your heart. "She said I'll never be able to make you h-happy." Your voice cracks at the end, another tear rolling down your cheek. "That I'm nothing but a c-coward who runs away from my problems."

His tongue presses into his cheek, his jaw flexing in anger and you're suddenly overcome with emotion. He's furious for you and it makes you feel safe. You feel like you could tell him anything right now and he'd always have your back. But that suddenly opens the floodgates again.

"She said that I was p-pathetic," you say quietly, your chest getting heavy as you start to break down. Yoongi's skin becomes hot to the touch and there's a vein beginning to pop in his neck, the fury in his eyes almost stealing your breath away. "She said you should be embarrassed for choosing someone like m-me."

He immediately pulls you into his chest and says, "I'm going to kill her," so venomously it makes the room colder. "There's nothing farther from the truth than that."

Your hands grip the sides of his t-shirt as you cry, letting out all the stress and sadness her words caused you earlier. He reminds you that you're loved and that Aera won't ever come between you two again. Logically, you know she's nothing but a pathetic coward herself. You're aware she's the problem, and that you haven't done anything wrong. But it's still hard to hear someone say such terrible things about you, especially in regards to the man you love.

After a minute or two, you're able to calm down and say, "She wasn't all wrong though."

He pulls you back by your shoulders and looks at you like you're insane. "Excuse me?"

You try to wipe your tears but it doesn't work very well. "She told me all I do is run away, and she's right."

"You're not running away," he glares. "You're protecting yourself just like you should be. I'm the one who fucked up here, not you."

You look down at the letter in your lap and bite into your cheek, wishing there was some way to express how you're feeling. "But I am pushing you away for no good reason, you can't deny that."

"You can push me away all you want, Nabi. I'm not going anywhere," he says, stepping closer to you again. His confidence shoots butterflies through your stomach but that also makes your tears fall faster. "I'm so in love with you it's a little obsessive at this point," he chuckles dryly and looks away like he's disgusted. "That bitch thinks she can make me happier than you? I didn't know she was into standup comedy. That's a good one."

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