Part 1

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My name is Haru Mori. Yes, my parents decided naming a boy like me "spring forest" was a good idea, although I have no clue why. But they're strange like that, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Despite, I'm what most people would call an Otaku. No, I'm not one of those guys who stalks high school girls or does it to 2D chicks. Honestly, those kinds of people should just disappear into a hole somewhere. They give the rest of us a bad name. I just like anime more than most people, that's all. Well, maybe a lot more than most people, but hey, who's to judge? I won't go so far as to wear an anime shirt in public, for fear of being called childish. But take one look in my room and you'll find enough dirt on me to bury my body six feet under.

Speaking of people coming into my room, I hear a knock on the door and, without waiting for my answer, my mom sticks her head in.

"Package delivery!" she sings happily, stepping fully in and holding out a small box.

"Yes!" I drop my book, leap off my bed and rush over, yanking it from her grasp. "Thanks, mom! Bye!"

She laughs and closes the door gently as I rip open the package and pull out a single DVD with a picture of a pink haired girl surrounded by four tall boys, each with a simple characteristic that make it easy to fit them into "dere" types. I scan over them, although I've already stared deep into their soulful eyes for hours when I ordered the game.

Akio, Haruka, Ichiro, and Junpei. My four beautiful boys. I bring the DVD up to my forehead, pressing it against my skin. It feels cold and soothing, slowly soaking up the heat from my body. Unlike most guys, I don't care about the female protagonist, with her perfect red lips and perfect pink hair. I just wish I could be in her place. God, I just want to date any of these boys.

With Haruka we could visit an ice skating rink, speeding around or just gliding and talking for hours. Since I know nothing about ice skating, I'd fall but he'd speed up to catch me and we'd both tumble to the cold ice, faces centimeters from each other, hot breath turning to steam in the freezing air.

With Akio we could work out together and I could watch his muscles strain under a thin, sweat soaked shirt. We'd challenge each other to see who could lift the heaviest weights or run the fastest, and after a while we'd both collapse on the floor, panting from exhaustion. And that's when his fingers out reach out to mine and we'd comfortably hold each other's hands like it was a normal occurrence.

With Ichiro we could play board games with each other, laughing into the night. At first he'd be all serious as usual, but after a few hours his tough demeanor would crack and I'd see the true him. I'd tell him he should smile more and he would flush and mutter that he'd try.

With Junpei we could visit a cherry blossom garden together, and we'd sit on a pink covered bench as he slowly, perhaps unconsciously, scoots closer to me, blushing profusely. And after a while, our fingers would brush and as he starts to pull away I'd hold his hand tightly, making his face light up bright red and he'd stammer awkwardly. Maybe I could even feel his heart pound through our connected fingers.

I can feel my own heart pound just thinking about it. I need to calm down. I need to get a life. No, but why get a new life when I'm so happy with the one I have? I don't need real boys to make me happy. Sushi, my family, and the boys in my games. As long as I have these three things, I'll be happy and healthy. I don't care about looking presentable or talking right or looking manly at school or outside the house at all. I have a few close friends, and that's all I need.

I don't need real romance.

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