Part 104

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"Good night!" I call after Junta as he starts up the stairs. I turn to Tsukasa, who turns to me. We stare at each other for a few seconds until I laugh. "This isn't the most romantic moment."

He stays serious, getting out of his chair. "We've had plenty of romantic moments. Just think of one of those."

I stand as well and we slowly approach each other. "I can call Kiki and have them trip me or throw me at you—literally. That might be a bit painful, though."

He finally smiles, brushing a hand through my hair as we reach each order. "Let's...not. We can make this romantic on our own, right?"

I grin. "Why're you asking me? You're the handsome one." I flush, realizing what I just said and he openly laughs.

"I see how it is. Well then, I'll have to do my best."

My heart starts to pound and I look at the floor between our feet. I'm acting exactly like the love stricken heroine in a romance game. No, I'm acting like the love stricken heroine in Kiki's terrible romance game—that's what bothers me so much. But with him this close, I can't help it.

Everything else about my life seems to disappear as he leans in and wraps his arms around me, pulls me in, and whispers in my ear, "I like you, Haru."

"I—" I choke on the words, the thrill of the moment making my mind panic. I cough, realizing I'm actually choking, on air, it seems, and Kazuki lets go, worriedly stepping back.

"I'll get you some water," he mumbles and rushes out the door. I hear the faucet running and in a second he's returned, holding a clear glass. He hands it to me and I down half of it, breathing heavily.

Once I've recovered myself I laugh lightly, looking up at him. "I like you too, Tsukasa. If you'll accept me, and ignore what just happened, I'd love to date you."

His cheek puffs out and he puts a hand over his mouth, trying to hide his laughter. "That was the worst confession ever."

"Hey, I'm trying my best," I yelp, acting insulted. "You can't talk with your flawlessly romantic confession. Not everyone's as perfect as you."

He smiles, putting out a hand. "But I'd love to date you too. If you'll have me and my annoying perfection."

I take it without a second thought and we pull into each other, me wrapping my arms around his back and his around my neck.

"This time I've spent with you has been the happiest time of my life," I admit into his chest. "I don't want it to ever end."

"It won't," he assures me, resting his chin on my head. "Even though things are changing, it's not like everything's going to change. I'll always be here for you."

"Really? That seems like a high bar."

I can feel him smile above me. "I'd never leave. Not in a million years."

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