Junta Route Part 12

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"You're kidding me."

I stare into the flooded room with a disappointed expression. We were all woken up in the middle of the night by a huge boom, and when we went to check, Tsukasa was gasping in the middle of a pool of water.

"Ey! Wizard! What the hell is this?" I yell into the air.

Riri appears, laughing brightly. "I told you I'll take care of it! Well, now little Kazuki can't stay here! He'll have to stay with little Anzu!"

"I said I'd stay with her already to avoid this!" Tsukasa snaps as he comes out of the bathroom, still rubbing his hair with a towel. "I take back what I said last night; you're worse than Haru's egg."

"I'm not an egg!" Riri insists. "Besides, I...forgot you were already going. Ehehe..."

"Tell the truth—you just wanted to flood my room," Tsukasa growls, trying to grab the wizard before it zooms out of his reach, laughing.

"How about this? You can say I've threatened I'll destroy the rest of the house if she doesn't let you stay!"

"Hey!" I yelp. "Don't use my house as a hostage! Kiki, why didn't you stop them?"

"Ehehe..." Kiki appears, laughing nervously. "I didn't...know?"

"You're just as bad," I groan. "Fine, call her up."

Tsukasa nods and pulls out his phone, starting down the stairs. I hear him start, "Hi, Hoshino. Listen, I have a problem..."

And twenty minutes later, Hoshino is staring into the flooded room with a disappointed expression.

"You're kidding me."

"Yeah..." I rub the back of my neck awkwardly. "Apparently your wizard is just as ruthless as mine. I'm really sorry."

"And they'll flood the rest of your house if I don't take Kazuki in?" she asks in disbelief.

"Something like that."



She sighs guiltily, turning away from the room. "But I can't. If I let him live with me, Kiki would never leave us alone. I can't put myself in danger like that."

"Then what if I gave you back your three favorite things?" Riri offers with a sinister grin. "But only if you let him live with you?"

"Gh—?" She jolts back, eyes wide. "You'd...you'd do that?"

"For the sake of your romance, I would do anything," they assure her. "Even end your hell."

"Kuu...I can imagine!" She clasps her hands together happily. "The games I would play...the pets I would give...the sweets I would eat...! Gahhhh...This is hard to turn down."

"Please," I beg blandly. "Save my house from your demon."

"Fine, fine." She turns to Tsukasa and smiles forcefully. "Hello, housemate. Pleasure to be with you."

"Same here," he sighs. "Thank you, for the sake of Haru's house. Let's get along."

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