Part 81

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"Tada!" Kiki announces, rushing around the corner in a pink Yukata. Emi walks out after her, dressed in a dark purple one, her long hair braided up into a bun.

"You look great, Emi." I smile as Kiki squeaks in annoyance at my ignoring her. Kazuki, Junta and I have already changed into our respective clothes, all simple and dark. I feel uncomfortable, but I don't say anything next to Junta's excited grin. I want my jeans back.

The festival is as rowdy as it's ever been, but I feel safe in my crowd of friends. As we walk, surveying the colorful stalls, I notice Kazuki looking around at the crowds nervously, again making me wonder what happened to him. Was he bullied, just like me? Was his family abusive? That's probably it, considering what Arisa said. Poor guy.

Before I can reassure him Emi glances around and asks, "Where's Junta?"

"Oh, yeah." I immediately fix my gaze on Kiki, but she shrugs innocently. "He was just with us. Where'd he—"

I catch sight of the tall boy through the crowd, nervously trying to scoot past people. Every time he bumps into someone he yelps, "Ah! I'm sorry!" or "Go ahead," or "Excuse me..."

I groan. Looks like he's too nice to get through the crowd. I'm not really that surprised.

"I'll go get him," I sigh, working my way away from the group. As I force my way through the crowd I feel shoulders bump me and hands brush against mine, making me uncomfortable.

I shy away from a woman not looking where she's going, but end up bumping into a taller man. I flinch at the contact, my mind racing for a way out of this, just like it used to back then...I'm trapped between all these people. I need to get away...I search for a way out of the crowd but between all the bodies I can barely see. My  heart beats in my throat, making me feel sick.

Crap, what do I do? I want to curl into a ball and hide from this, from the world. Why did I think I could handle crowds, especially when I'm not feeling fully myself?

As panic closes around my heart I feel a rough warmth close around my hand and I look up at Junta, who's frowning worriedly. He must've worked his way through the crowd to reassure me.

"Haru, are you okay? You look stressed."

I take a deep breath, then sigh it out. "I'm better now that you're here. Thanks."

His cheeks flush in the light of the nearest stall and I wince but don't let go. I really need him as my support right now.


I turn, not recognizing the voice until I see Ryuya staring at Junta and my connected hands.

"Woah, they're holding hands! Think they're dating?" the boy behind him gasps and Ryuya smacks him in the arm.

"We-we're not!" I yelp, quickly letting go as Junta does the same. "Junta just got lost so I..." I didn't really save him, did I? He did most of the rescuing for me.

"We were both lost," Junta tries to salvage the situation. "And we found each other."

"You don't have to get that deep!" I hiss and he winces.

Ryuya stares at us. "So...then, what's going on?"

"Nothing. Nothing's going on." I look around for any help and see Kazuki, Kiki and Emi walking over. "See?" I rush over and grab Kiki's wrist, then drag her over to Ryuya and his friend. "We're here with friends. It's not just the two of us."

"Relax, Haru!" Ryuya laughs, but it seems forced. "I believe you, okay? Sorry, Daiki was just being weird."

"Hey!" Daiki huffs. "I was asking a legitimate question."

"Oh, Ryuya!" Emi calls as the rest of the group reaches us. "How's it going? You didn't tell me you'd be here."

"I don't have to report my every move to you," he snaps, glances at me, then starts out of the crowd. "Tonta, come with me for a sec. We need to talk."

"Eh?" Junta gives me a worried look and I nod. I'm not sure if he's scared to leave me or if he's scared to be alone with Ryuya, but he follows the boy anyway.

"So..." Daiki awkwardly tries to fill the silence. "You've known Ryu long?"

"We're elementary school friends," Emi informs him happily. "You?"

"High school." He looks around awkwardly, but it seems like he's intentionally avoiding my eyes. Does he know how Ryuya feels about me? That makes this really awkward, then. I hope he didn't tell his friends about how I brutally rejected him. Ryuya seems like the kind of person who'd leave out important details, like the fact he grabbed me or that I clearly told him I'm not interested.

"That's cool." Emi laughs awkwardly. "Is he as stuck up when he's not around us?"

Daiki flinches. "I dunno...I guess he's about the same..." His eyes flick over me and he quickly looks away again.

"W-Why don't we go see what they're talking about?" I ask, letting go of Kiki and heading toward where the two of them are standing behind a takoyaki stand. When I reach them, Junta's in the process of covering his blushing face and Ryuya's sighing. Looks like I got here just in time.

"Haru!" Junta yelps at seeing me. "We were just t-talking about what our favorite foods are!"

"Right..." I decide not to press, since that would only lead to more awkwardness.

"The shooting range is open," Daiki offers, pointing behind him as the group follows me. "If you're still up for it..."

"Why wouldn't I be, idiot?" he snaps, his cheeks flushed. He stomps past me into the festival and Daiki waves before following him.

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