Part 13

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"Delicious...Nutritious...Cauliflower pudding..."

I groan, blinking my eyes open slowly. The light flooding into the room sends spikes of pain through my skull and I groan again, closing my eyes tightly to try and block it out.
Something about this situation is off though. My room never receives this much sunlight this early in the morning. Besides, I can't feel my bed, and my pillow has a weird crevice down the middle of it. With my eyes adjusted, I roll onto my back to see the ceiling but instead I'm met with the sight of Tsukasa Kazuki's beautiful sleeping face right over mine.

My heart pounding, I try to calmly assess the situation. I'm sleeping in Kazuki's lap, and I'm sleeping in Kazuki's lap, and I'm sleeping in Kazuki's lap, and...Wow, okay. My scattered, half awake mind can't put two and two together and I can't even begin to believe the situation I'm in. What are my choices here? Well, there's the obvious one: wake him up, but there's also the choice of not waking him up, and getting to keep looking at his sleeping face. Which, honestly, doesn't sound half bad.

" broccoli pudding but better..."

That's not my alarm...Don't tell me that Devil changed my sushi ad alarm to one about cauliflower pudding!? He really is taking away everything I love.

"Mrhh..." Kazuki blinks dimly, groaning and rolling his neck back. Oh no, if he sees that I'm awake then he'll know I've been staring at him! And I can not let that happen!

I close my eyes, silently apologizing, then sit up as fast as I can, gasping for breath. Unfortunately for Kazuki his head happens to be in my path and we collide, making him grunt in surprise and pain. I scramble to my feet, my head spinning from the blood rushing to it, the reality of the situation finally settling in.

What happened? The last thing I remember is Kazuki going to the bathroom and then...nothing. I must've zonked out, but what in the world gave him permission to make his lap a pillow? Kiki did say his feelings changed, but that's going a little far. That's something lovers do, isn't it? Does this idiot even know what he's doing?

Said idiot blinks in the bright sunlight, then looks up at me. He turns off my alarm just as the announcer tries to talk about how you can freeze cauliflower pudding and then break it into chunks and put it in your coffee like ice cubes. He raises an eyebrow.

"Hey, you don't get to criticize me," I growl. "Not after you...did that! I mean, what—"

"None of this is my fault," he assures me. "All your energy went away suddenly and you fell asleep. I tried to get you to wake up but nothing worked, so I put a blanket over you but then you grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go. You've got some grip strength there, man. You were dreaming about sushi or something, and how you "wouldn't let it go anymore" and before I knew it I fell asleep and woke up to you hitting me in the head."

"O-Oh..." I feel my cheeks heat. "I'm...sorry. I shouldn't have blamed you like that. Not when this is all my fault. Gah, that's so embarrassing." I bet this was Kiki's doing. No, I'm sure it is. That stupid egg finally got its way.

"I don't think you've got any shame left, not with the way you're dressed," Kazuki comments, getting up and stretching.

"Were you could?" I ask timidly.

"Just sore." He rolls his shoulders. "Anyways, I should get home and get ready for school. I don't want either of us to be late."

"Yeah. Yeah, good idea."

I follow behind him as he grabs his things and heads for the door. Where the huge crack used to be, there's now a layer of duct tape, placed haphazardly over it. That dumb egg can't even fix a door properly. Kazuki gives me a questioning look and I laugh.

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