Part 71

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"Good work today, Mori!" the manager calls as the doors slide open in front of me.

"Thanks. See you later." I sigh as soon as I exit, letting all my pent up frustration and exhaustion out in it.

"Haru? Are you okay?"

"Done for the night, Mori?"

"Good work, sir."

"E-Eh?" I blink as Junta, Kazuki and Tsuchiya look down at me, one smiling, the other two serious as usual. It's like an overload of handsomeness—the sparkles are almost blinding. "Thanks, guys."

"I stopped by on my run," Junta tries to explain, as if he needs to justify it. "I wasn't waiting for you or anything!"

He definitely was waiting for me. I feel kinda bad about that, even though it's not my fault.

"I got off work early so I thought I'd stop by," Kazuki adds. "I haven't been waiting that long."

At least he admits to waiting. I turn to Tsuchiya as the sliding doors open behind me and Hijiri walks out, smoothing his hair back as usual. He stops, viewing the same blinding sight I am, but he doesn't seem fazed by it. I guess outwardly beautiful people are on the same level. I say outwardly because Hijiri is a rich piece of garbage. God, I get really grumpy after work days, don't I?

"What are you doing here, Tsuchiya?" he snaps, putting a hand on his hip like a model.

"I was simply greeting mister Mori's acquaintances," he explains, bowing.

Hijiri stares up at Junta and Kazuki thoughtfully. "You must be Tsukasa Kazuki, right?" he asks the orange haired boy.

Kazuki nods.

"I thought so. I keep tabs on the brightest commoners in our school," he informs us.

I guess that's why he didn't know who me or Junta were when he first met us. I smile sadly to myself. Although Junta's the star of the baseball team, he doesn't have the best grades. And me? I've got nothing but my dashing personality.

"That's why I didn't know who either of you were," Hijiri adds to us. Junta's smile twitches and I sigh, done with the boy after a whole day of working with him.

"You really didn't have to say that."

"Oh? Do commoners get upset over things like that?"

He seems genuinely interested in the answer so I decide not to ask Junta to treat him like a baseball and hit him into orbit. "Yeah. We do."

"I see..." He thinks for a moment, then snaps his fingers and starts for the long black car waiting for him. "Come, Tsuchiya. We're leaving."

"Yes, sir." The man follows him after nodding goodbye to us.

"Why does he have to order him around like that?" I growl, turning on my heel and starting toward my house. The boys jog to follow me and we walk in a line, with me in the middle. Being sandwiched between two tall guys makes me feel extra short.

"Thanks for coming to get me," I mumble awkwardly. "I appreciate it."

"Of course."

"Of course."

Junta smiles down at me while Kazuki's gaze stays straight ahead. I smile at the road ahead. I've really grown accustomed to my life with these two. It's entertaining and fun and successful and calming all at the same time. Damnit, how am I supposed to get my stuff back when I love this life so much?

"Summer vacation starts tomorrow, right?" I look between the two of them. "Got any plans?"

Junta sighs. "Nope. Just practice, and a lot of it."

"Same with me, but for work," Kazuki agrees. "What about you, Mori?"

I shake my head. "Nothing, save a little work. I'd better think of some things to do, or I'll be bored out of my mind."

"Maybe I can help with that," Emi's voice calls and she steps out of the shadows in front of my house. "Sup?"

"Emi? What are you doing here?" I ask, then realize it's probably her family again. Emi has a dysfunctional family, to say the least. With a single parent, she's got one brother who tends to bring over his friends, making it awkward for her to stay. When we were younger she came over a lot and we'd have sleepovers, usually minus the sleep. I remember staying up late with her while we talked about our lives and the things we couldn't tell anyone else. Those were the few good days of my childhood.

"Sorry, Haru and company." She smiles nervously, slinging her bag over her shoulder. "Can I stay over?"

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