Part 24

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"More like you're an inconvenience," I grumble to the girl, no, Kiki. "And since when could you—"


I flinch, not wanting to turn around. I know that voice, and I can hear the sound of two pairs of feet coming around the corner, meaning...I turn to see Junta and Kazuki standing behind me. Junta looks awkward, like he knows he just witnessed something he shouldn't have, while Kazuki is calm as ever.

"S-Sorry, Haru," Junta murmurs, rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop."

"I did," Kazuki states plainly and Junta sighs hopelessly. "Anyway, I was planning to step in if you needed help, but..."

Suddenly everything I said comes flooding back to me, and I feel my cheeks heat. "You couldn't find the right time?"

"Yeah." He looks away awkwardly. "And thanks."

I blink. "For what?"

"For telling them no. And..." he finally smiles fully, almost letting out a laugh. "For saying I wouldn't want to date them anyways. I've always wanted to say that, but I never had the bravery to. So thank you."

"O-Oh." I laugh forcibly. "I...ah, I might've overheated a bit during that conversation. I definitely said some things I didn't mean to those girls."

He shakes his head. "That doesn't mean it's not true. And if they come bother you again I'll step in earlier."

I feel my cheeks heat just as they always do around his smile. "Thanks."

"I'll step in too," Junta chimes in, looking a little left out. "Feel free to call me if you're ever threatened like that again."

"Please," I scoff, feeling overly coddled. "I know how to deal with girls. But thanks—"

"Hey, don't lump all us girls together!" Kiki jumps out from behind me, smacking me on the shoulder. "You silly billy!"

"Haru, is that a friend from your class?" Junta asks cautiously. "I've never seen her before."

"Actually, this—"

Before I can think of a good excuse, Kiki pushes me to the side, crowing, "I'm Haru's cousin, Kiki Mori! Nice to meet you! Haru here tells me everything, so I know all about your relationships!" She pops up next to Kazuki, patting him on the arm. "Like how you two are living together, but neither of you are interested in dating! And how Junta is her best childhood friend!"

Kazuki gives me an accusing look and I return it with an apologetic one. "She grilled me for information," I try to defend myself. "This little bastard can really talk, and she's convincing too! I had no choice between telling her or going insane."

Kazuki sighs. "You said you didn't tell anyone. So that was a lie?"

"She won't spill." I give Kiki a hard look and she giggles, not installing me with much confidence. "I promise. Besides, she should be leaving soon, so there's no way for her to—"

"Oh, Haru!" Kiki flies around the boys and twirls to a stop next to me, still grinning like a maniac. "I'm not going anywhere, remember? In fact, I'm so excited to be here I want to go over to your house!"


"Let's all go to Haru's house!" She dodges the hand I try to put over her mouth and continues, "Fate has brought us together on this very special day, so let's all go to your house and celebrate!"

From one thing to another...this is a disaster. "Wait," I blurt. "What about Emi? She's sure to feel left out..." I immediately regret the words as Kiki's smile grows a hundred times wider.

"You're absolutely right, Haru!" I'll invite Emi too, and then we'll all be there!"

"Ah—" I just sealed my fate. Now both my matchmakers will be there, trying to set me up with every guy they see. "Well, Kazuki has work and Junta has practice, right?"

Kiki shakes her head giddily. "You don't even know your friend's schedules? They're both free tonight!"

"Um..." What should I say? How do I get out of this? With Kiki actually able to affect my situation without magic, this could be the biggest disaster yet for my side of the war. As she grabs my hand and starts dragging me off, I sigh. I almost miss that annoying little egg.

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