Part 73

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"We haven't had a sleepover in a long time, huh?" Emi comments as I fluff up the futon for me to sleep on. Guests always come first, so no matter how many times she's told me I can have the bed, she always gets it in the end. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Yeah." I nestle the pillow into its spot, then curl my body up to sit cross-legged. "It's nice. We should do it more often."


I fiddle with the corner of the blanket and she fake yawns to fill the space. It's not like we're awkward around each other alone—I feel more comfortable around her than anyone. But we both know what the other wants to talk about and neither of us wants to be the first to speak.

This, too, is unlike Emi. She's always been a chatterbox, but now she's unusually silent. It makes me worry even more, especially after what I felt like at the meet up. Fine, then, I'll step up to the plate.


"Haru—" she starts at the same time and we flinch and go back to looking in separate ways and doing everything we can to ignore what just happened.

"Sorry." This time she says nothing, so I take that cue to continue. "Are you okay?"

She frowns, picking up the pillow and holding it between her legs and arms. "I—I'd like to say I'm fine, but I can't lie to you."

"True. So...?"

"I could ask you the same thing," she deflects my question. "You were a mess at the meet up. I didn't say anything 'cause I didn't want to make you awkward, but I was worried."

"But I'm better now," I insist gently. "It was just a strange day. Seeing them again brought everything back, but I've dealt with those feelings. We're talking about you here, because you're not okay."

"Alright, rude," she tries to joke, but when I frown she drops the front. "Sorry. Force of habit."

"It's okay."

She takes a deep breath, holding onto the pillow like it's her last life line. "That gathering brought up the past for me too. It brought up...him."

Mori. Neither of us say it, but it's the loudest word in the room. Our upperclassmen. Emi's friend. Her boyfriend...or so she thought.

It all started the day I met Emi, back in elementary school...

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