Junta route part 3

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We lock the door behind us and start down the street toward the train station, walking in silence, me in the middle of the two boys as usual. One glance at Junta tells me he's still flushed, avoiding my eyes. One glance at Tsukasa and our eyes lock until he guiltily looks away.

Finally, after what feels like hours of awkward silence, we reach the first station and start down the stairs. I breathe a sigh of relief and both boys glance at me.

"We're all good, right?" I worry quietly. "There's nothing wrong?"

Tsukasa smiles gently. "No. We're fine."

"Y-Yeah!" Junta adds, sounding left out. "Why would you think someone's wrong?"

I shake my head, shaking off the lingering awkwardness at the same time. "Sorry. It's nothing."

By this time we're halfway across the station, almost to the turnstiles. I see a red haired girl walking our way, when suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, her leg gives out from under her and she tumbles to the ground, right in front of Tsukasa. He flinches, looking down at her, and I realize why in a split second.


What should I do? If I help her, will that make it worse for him? If I—

"Are you okay?" He bends down and extends a hand to help her up, serious. Her cheeks flush and she jumps to her feet, waving her hands like wild.

"I'm fine! Totally fine! Ahaha!" She whips around to face away from him, sweating profusely, and he frowns.

"Are you sure?" Junta worries, reaching out as if he's not sure to help her or not and she jumps back again, still laughing awkwardly.

"Really, I'm fine. Thanks."

Tsukasa nods and starts walking toward the turnstiles, pulling out his card, and Junta and I awkwardly follow him. Glancing back at the girl, I feel a strange sense of nostalgia. Didn't that same thing happen to me when I first met Tsukasa?

I shake the thoughts away. There's no way; this is just some strange coincidence. Besides, no one helped her up, while Emi—no, wait, I helped myself up too...I'm going crazy. I must be.

I sigh as I scan my card and walk through after Tsukasa and Junta. Behind me I hear another beep, and I glance back on instinct to see the same redhead following us dejectedly. Wait, her uniform...she goes to our school! I search my memories and find I've seen her before, passing by me in hallways and during assemblies and other school events. It's hard to forget someone with hair that brightly colored.

This is getting too nostalgic. No, it's fine. It's fine. What am I even worrying about? Just because she's coincidentally repeating most of what I did when I met Tsukasa, that doesn't mean anything.

"Tsukasaaaaa!" an annoying voice cries and we turn to see Rena running toward us. Tsukasa wrinkles his nose in disgust and Junta looks between the two worriedly. We've had quite a few encounters with Ms. adolescent stalker, but he still wants to be friends with her, as he does with everyone. Sometimes he's too nice for his own good. I smile endearingly.

But seriously, I'm done with Rena and her obsession with Tsukasa. I step in front of him and she skids to a stop, frowning at me.

"Haru! What's wrong?"

"I think we've told you many times, but none of us are interested in being around you," I snap. "Please get lost."

She huffs, puffing out a cheek in annoyance. "That's so mean! I was Tsukasa's friend first, you know!"

Said boy shakes his head. "I told you, we're not friends."

She slips around me to pat him on the shoulder. "You're so cute, Tsukasa! Anyways, who was that girl who fell in front of you? Pathetic, right?"

He doesn't answer, looking the other way as if she doesn't exist, and Junta intercedes, "I think she just fell..."

"Not everyone's as desperate as you," I grumble under my breath but she copies Tsukasa and ignores me. I glance to the side and see the redhead watching us worriedly, but when she notices me gaze she quickly turns away, looking guilty.

"Wait," I realize slowly, "Tsukasa, is the girl who broke your phone the same girl who fell?"

"Someone broke your phone?" Rena squeaks. "That explains why you haven't texted me back in weeks!"

Actually, I'm pretty sure he's just ignoring you, I shoot back in my head.

Tsukasa nods. "Don't blame her though. I wasn't watching where I was going. It's both our faults."

"No waaaaay!" Rena whines, tugging on his sleeve. "You're too nice for your own good! Don't accept all the blame!"

The train arrives just as I glance over at the girl again to see her holding her chest as if she was just stabbed. The others walk into the train and our eyes meet before she jolts and scrambles on a few doors down.

"Haru!" Junta steps out, grabs my hand, and pulls me on just as the doors close behind us. I shake away the cloudiness in my mind and realize we're still holding hands just as Junta must realize the same thing. He scrambles to let go but I take initiative and squeeze his hand gently, whispering, "Thanks."

He nods breathlessly. "You almost—"

"You almost got left behind!" Rena laughs as if she really wanted that to happen.

Tsukasa sighs, obviously avoiding looking at Junta and I's connected hands. "You've gotta stop blanking out. It's starting to put you in danger."

I laugh awkwardly, letting go of Junta's hand. He looks a little hurt but I can't handle the pounding in my heart that echoes throughout my whole body. And with Tsukasa watching, I can't help but feel guilty.

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