Part 83

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I survey the festival; this area is less crowded than where we were before and I can see down the path to where Junta's buying Kiki's lollipop. The blond girl is jumping up and down, excitedly clapping her hands.

I sigh to myself, then turn my attention to looking for Emi. Reading the stall titles, my eyes make their way to the one that reads "Fresh and Hot Baked Potatoes!" and drop to the line in front of it. There she is, in the middle of the line, next to...Oh, it's Makoto.

I frown. Something's wrong; Emi's looking behind her with a terrified expression and Makoto's watching the situation with a confused expression. When my gaze follows Emi's, I start forward.

"Mori?" Kazuki asks worriedly.

"Yeah," I growl, then, realizing he doesn't know what I'm talking about, mutter, "I'll be right back. Just get the food."

I can feel his eyes on my back but I ignore them, stalking over to where my senior and Emi are having a stare-off, with one side obviously winning.

"Damn, she's cute!" one of Mori's friends catcalls, nudging the boy with an ugly grin.

"You seriously dated her?" the other one asks, eyeing Emi up and down. "Think you could set us up?"

"Don't bother," Mori scoffs. "She's a wimp. Won't even hold your hand, and she freaks out over nothing. Isn't that right—"

"Mori!" I yell, making him turn slowly to glare at me. But when he recognizes me his glare turns to a grin.

"Haru! It's been too long!"

"Actually, I've quite enjoyed not seeing you." I place myself in front of Emi, who hasn't taken her eyes off our old upperclassman. "Get lost."

He laughs lightly, his smile as slimy as it's ever been. "C'mon, I have every right to be in this line. Don't be like that, Haru."

I search my mind for a comeback but come up blank. Actually, I'm a little terrified right now, if I think about it. I came over because I was worried for Emi, but I might need just as much saving as her.

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

"Mori, who is this guy?" his first friend asks, confused. "Her boyfriend?"

Mori laughs again. "No way. He only likes boys, right, Haru?"

I gulp. I have to say something, or I'll just be digging myself even deeper into this hole I'm in. But my throat is so dry I can't get words through it. What kind of rescuer am I if I have to be rescued myself? The same thing happened with Junta too. Seriously, how pathetic can I be?

No, I told myself I wouldn't say that anymore. I've grown up. I've grown up! I turn my glare from the ground to Mori, who meets it head on with his usual kind smile.

I can't do it.

I'm terrified.

I wanted to protect Emi, but I still can't do anything.

"Hey, Haru? Emi?"

"Huh?" We both turn to Makoto, who's pointing down the path with a bag in his hand.

"I think they're selling fries down there! We should check it out!"

"G-Good idea," Emi answers quietly, finally speaking again.

"Haru?" The blue-haired boy gives me a forceful smile and I breathlessly nod. The three of us hurry out of the line and down the path. I don't look back, but I can feel Mori watching me.

Once we're out of their sight we slow to a slow walk, then finally stop, all of us panting slightly.

"Are you okay?" Emi and I gasp to each other at the same time, then smile, relieved.

"Okay, what was that?" Makoto worries loudly. "Who was that guy? Why are you both so scared of him?"

I shake my head seriously. "You...You don't want to know, trust me." I glance at Emi for confirmation, but she's too busy staring at Makoto in wonder to notice.

"Oh, okay..." He looks up at the stall we're next to, gasping, "Woah! They have fish roe as a topping! This one's way better!"

"You sure?" Emi wonders. "I thought your sister wanted baked potatoes."

He shrugs. "She can deal with it. Besides, I'm sure she won't mind something much better than what she asked for!"

"You're getting food for your sister?" I groan. "I'm really sorry. This all happened because I was so pathetic—"

"Haru!" Emu interrupts angrily, grabbing my cheeks. "I told you not to say that anymore! You're great!" When I don't respond she repeats, louder, "You're great! Repeat after me: I'm great!"

"I-I'm great," I mutter, embarrassed at all the people watching us. She lets go and steps back, all her fear from earlier gone. She really does get her strength from her friends. I smile. Emi's truly something else.

Maybe I can try to be like her, just a little bit.

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