Part 4

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It's gone.

I frantically search through the shelves of the supermarket, but every one of my favorite places to find sushi is completely empty.

"Excuse me," I call to the nearest employee, who walks over. "When is the sushi going to be restocked?"

"Ah..." She smiles apologetically. "Sorry, Sir, but I'm afraid we're not selling sushi here anymore. These shelves are reserved for cauliflower now. They'll be full when the next shipment comes in.

I thank her before turning back to the empty shelves sadly. But I can't give up yet! I have to check all the other stores before I admit defeat!

"Sorry, sir, it's been replaced by cauliflower."

"I'm very sorry."

"The people want cauliflower more than sushi these days, kid."

"We don't sell that anymore."

"Would you like some cauliflower instead?"

I sigh dejectedly as I stumble towards the door. Replaced by cauliflower. Why cauliflower?

As I reach for the door a sudden burst of anger floods me. That stupid thing tok away my sushi! It took away my games! And, most of all, it took away my parents! How dare it? When I get home I'm going to beat the living—

The door hits something and I blink back into reality to see a ginger haired boy staring at his phone, which is currently cracked on the cement between us.

"Oh! God! I'm so sorry!" I yelp, reaching to pick it up, but he bends down at the same time and our heads collide. "Ah—" I stumble back, and before I can fall he reaches out, grabs my hand, and pulls me steady.

"You okay?" His voice is slow and serious. "You're not hurt, are you?"

"No...I'm fine," I mutter, bending down to pick up his phone and handing it to him, embarrassed. "But your phone is...not. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay." His expression barely changes as he looks down at it. "I was planning on getting a new one soon anyway."

I'm suddenly very, very aware of how he's holding my hand as if I might fall down at any second, and I feel my face flush. In every way, he's cute. Hair that hangs over his eyes, a really nice body, a face that would be adorable if it ever smiled, he's in every way like Ichiro. I can't stop my heart from pounding, and, for fear that he's going to feel it, I pull my hand out of his grasp. He blinks tiredly, like he forgot about it.

"S-Sorry, I have to go. Sorry, again." I start past him and he watches me go without saying anything else. I can still feel his eyes on my back.

I don't even know why I'm running from him. It's not like he's a character in this crazy game Kiki has planned out. He looks more like a main character than a part of the harem.

"Or so you'd think."

I try to hide my flinch as Kiki flies out of my bag to float in front of me.

"I'm not talking to you," I mutter. "I'm not going to be that crazy person who talks to air."

"Ohoho, don't worry about that," it assures me. "I've created an allusion to make it look like you're not interacting with me at all. You—"

Without warning, I grab it and throw it to the ground, then use my shoe to pin it down. It struggles but I press harder until it gives up.

"Why, Haru, what's this, a display of anger? Aren't we friends?"

"I'm not friends with an evil talking egg," I growl. "Now explain. What did you mean, "Or so you'd think?""

Kiki laugh-coughs. "You really think I didn't know you have no interest in girls? Congratulations, you get a harem of men!"

"W—Wha..." I flush. How am I supposed to deal with that!? I can't resist those, 2D or not! Am I going to lose to this flying egg!?

I set my gaze and start walking, feeling Kiki fly out from under my shoe easily before disappearing into my bag. I am not going to lose. Never. I won't fall for a single one of the boys it throws at me, no matter how hot they are. And then I'll get the things I love back. And I'll finally get rid of Kiki, for good. All I have to do is avoid them. How hard can that be?

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