Part 95

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Arisa calls us downstairs a while after Kiki makes its exit, leaving me confused and strangely empty.

It can't be gone, I assure myself as I walk down. No way would it be that easy. Yeah, I'm just worried about what it might be scheming next. I'm sure the next time I let my guard down near another boy it'll show up and yell, "Time to xxxx!"

I nod to myself as I enter the living room, finding everyone else already here, a spot waiting for me on the couch. Once I seat myself Arisa takes a deep breath and informs us, "Kishi has developed amnesia."

The room is silent.

"She has amnesia!?" I yell, slamming my hands on the table angrily. "Don't tell me you actually believe that!"

"Haru, calm down," my mother hushes me, turning to Arisa. "Are you sure? Could she be faking?"

The white haired woman shakes her head. "It doesn't seem that way. She hasn't shown a single sign of lying about it. It simply happened earlier today. She has no memory of the last few years, and, more importantly, no memory of Tsukasa."

I look to Tsukasa, who seems surprised. "And we're sure?"

"Pretty much. She's being kept in a mental hospital, just in case."

I lean back, remembering Kiki's words: "I've taken care of all your worries." Did it do this? I thought it can't use magic that doesn't directly affect my love life. But this seems like it could only be magic, what with the timing and all. What did you do, Kiki?

"What a relief!" my mother sighs, smiling at Tsukasa. "Now you can finally live your life without worrying."

He blinks, turning to me, as if for confirmation. I nod, smiling.

"We'll take it slow, but we've got this." Every girl in the room grins and I feel my cheeks heat. "You've got this—I mean, all of us've got this! All of us, including you."

He nods, smiling. "Thanks, Haru. It's thanks to you we got here."

I smile back, regaining most of my cool. "I didn't do much. It's really because you were so brave..." I glance at our smiling audience and my throat dries up.

"Haru!" The door swings open and my father rushes in, dragging his luggage with him. I get to my feet just as he reaches me and he wraps me up in his arms, almost breaking my back in the process.

"D-Dad..." I choke, patting his back. "Too tight."

"Sorry, kid." He releases me and I gasp for breath as he happily pats me on the head. "Just so excited to see you! I rushed here as soon as work would let me, but I had to stop by  a bunch of places to get..." He opens his suitcase and dumps out a pile of game consoles, CDs and sushi boxes.

I feel my mouth start to water. "Can I really...?"

"Of course!" he laughs, gesturing to the pile. "Eat and play to your heart's content!"

Wait...I know where this is going—I'm going to try and eat the sushi and Kiki's going to come in and break all my teeth or something. But I can't resist the temptation, so I open one box of sushi and tentatively take out a roll.

Here we go—I'm about to either be hit with pain or joy...The sushi falls apart in my mouth, the crab and avocado and fish all savory on my tongue. Is the best thing I've ever had, second only to Tsukasa's sushi on the day he stayed over. This is pure heaven!

Wait...Sushi? Games? Parents? Aren't these the three things taken away from me? So why...why am I able to do this? Why isn't Kiki stepping in?

The sushi suddenly doesn't taste as good anymore, not with the pit in my stomach. What if it's really gone? I thought I wanted that, but...Why do I feel so sick?

Do I really want it back?

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