Part 43

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"What a tiny house," Koganei scoffs, surveying my living room. "It's a wonder you live here."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I grumble as I set drinks on the table. Junta takes one and Koganei gives him and Kiki a suspicious look.

"Who are these people? I didn't come all the way here for a party."

"I'm Kiki, Haru's cousin!" Kiki squeaks happily. She looks like she's having the time of her life with my third love interest in my house. "And this is Junta, his childhood friend. We have dinner plans, and you're welcome to join us!"

"You're the one who's not welcome here," I growl, then turn to pretty-boy. "So, what do you want, to waste my time?"

"How immature." He crosses his legs, frowning. "I'm here to win you over, and I wouldn't waste any time doing so." He claps his hands, summoning Tsuchiya over with a wrapped box. The guardian hands it to me before backing up to stand behind Koganei.

Cautiously, I untie the bow and open the lid. Immediately the best smell in the world hits my face, making my mouth water. I almost drop the box in shock, covering my mouth with a sleeve. No way...sushi!? How do I even have this?

I reach in tentatively and pick up a roll. No magic barrier stops me, no egg slaps my hand away. It doesn't even smell poisoned. I bring it to my mouth, but before I can take a bite an expression of accomplishment flashes across Koganei's face and I freeze. By accepting this, I'm playing right into his trap. I have to show him I can't be won over by sushi by some petty rich boy.

Noticing me place the roll back in his box, he nods to Tsuchiya again and the man places a second box in my arms, removing the fist to the living room table. I'm scared to even open this one, but it's rude to reject a present—no matter how much I want to—in front of friends.

Oh crap.

In front of me lies a green Skitch and a white and black sparkling VR headset, both fresh out of the box. Oh god, I don't know if I can resist both this and the sushi. I can't get pulled in. I can't get pulled in!

"It seems these items have satisfied you," Koganei notices from my blissful smile. "Congratulations. You are the chosen one to receive gifts from me. After all, I have not only the power but also the money to make all your dreams come true. Go on, take a bite." The smile vanishes from my face as he leans in, eyebrows raised. "Surely you can't help not fall for me, lowly gay boy."

I grab my hand to keep it in place. Don't slap him—do not slap him. Him and his bodyguard could ruin this peaceful life you have in a split second if you make one move against him. I take a deep breath, then sigh it out.

"Listen, sorry, but this doesn't come across as sweet," I half-lie. "It's just creepy. How do you even know my favorite things? How long have you been spying on me?"

He flips his hair haughtily. "Nothing is impossible in my hands."

"You didn't answer me," I groan, mentally face palming. Time to kick this stalker out. "Okay, I've had it." I place the second box next to the first on the table and stand, dusting off my sweaty palms. "I'm not going to—"

"None of that!" A hand grabs the back of my collar and Kiki drags me to the door, tossing me out and closing it behind her after flashing Koganei a peace sign.

I cough, straightening my shirt. "Why do you keep dragging me around? And what do you want?"

"I want to let you know something..." She trails off mysteriously and I stare at her.


"It's rude to return gifts, sooooo..." she spins around, then points at me giddily. "You can have them!"

I blink. "I can have them? All of them? Even the headset?" No way she's being this nice. There has to be some sort of catch, and I'm not accepting those presents until I find it.

"Even the headset!" She grins smugly. "That is, if you agree to date Prince Charming out there."

"Geh—" Well there's the catch. No way I can date a brat like that. I'd lose my mind in a day! And why does this egg think it has the right to make me date him anyway? What does it even understand about human interactions? Not much, obviously.

"Eh?" Noticing my angry expression, Kiki blinks in surprise. Before she can grab me again I fling open the door and stomp into the living room. Koganei and Junta look up from their conversation in surprise.

"Finally decided to—"

"You need to leave," I interrupt pretty-boy. "Like, right now."

"W-What?" He jumps to his feet in surprise.

"I'm done with you and your bull gifts," I snap, grabbing his arm and pulling him toward the door. Kiki jumps out of the way, still in shock and I toss Koganei in the direction of the front door. After a second Tsuchiya edges around me with the two boxes and stands at his master's side.

"What are you doing?" he gasps in horror. "Why aren't you wooed by my wonder? Learn your place, peasant."

"Exactly because of that." I point to him, then the door. "Because you talk like an alien. Because your pride is so fragile you had to buy me all these things. Because you can't seem to understand how another person thinks or feels. It's one person out of seven billion who doesn't love you, so go get doted on by someone else."

"But the presents—"

"Are great. Or, they would be if they weren't just bought with your parent's money. Why don't you boast about your wealth when you've actually worked for it?" It's probably not a good idea, but I can't help but add, "Learn your place, rich boy."

"Ngh—" he grunts in surprise and I use that opportunity to walk around him and open the door, then gesture outside. Finally getting the message, Koganei huffs and stomps out, followed by Tsuchiya, who neatly closes the door behind him.

For a moment all is quiet. I take a few breaths, letting my chest loosen. All the anger and stress of today really can't be good for me. I'm just glad he's gone, though. If he had stayed one more second I might've cooked him something just to shut him up.

Starting into the house, I flop down on the couch, sighing deeply. Junta glances at me worriedly.

"Are you okay? You seemed really stressed around him."

"Yeah," I whisper tiredly. "Yeah, I was." I straighten and smile awkwardly at him. "Hey, sorry for making you deal with him. I swear I didn't know he'd be coming over."

He quickly shakes his head. "I don't mind."

"You shouldn't have to deal with my stuff," I complain insistently. "I keep dragging you into things I'm sure you don't want to be a part of."

"Haru." At his stern voice I look up to see him break into a warm smile. "I want to be dragged into your stuff. I'm glad to be. I'll be there for you, no matter what, okay?"

I feel my face break into a smile, which feels really nice after the stressful day.


"Oh come on! Would you guys just kiss already?" Kiki butts in, popping out from good knows where in its yellow egg form. I'm just glad it's not human, since that would be one hell of an awkward conversation with Junta.

"Oh, zip it, would you?" I bat it away and get up, stretching. Something tells me I'll have a long day of pretty boy again tomorrow, since no matter what I say or do he won't leave me alone.

How hard is it to track food poisoning anyway...?

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