Part 33

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"Good morning!" Junta calls happily, walking into the kitchen. "Oh, Haru, are you making breakfast?"

"Yeah..." I don't look up from the head of lettuce I'm trying to cut without chopping my fingers off. "This monster coerced me into it."

I jerk my head toward Kazuki, who sighs. "Who's a monster?"

"You are. Now that we're making lunches for three people he suggested I help."

"And that's coercing you?" Junta asks skeptically, settling down at the counter.

"It's called guilt," I snap. "And it works like hell." I turn back to my lettuce, grumbling, "I swear to God, I'm gonna have five less fingers after this. I can't afford to lose five fingers a day!"

"Let me help you," he offers, getting up and walking around the counter to stand behind me. When he reaches for my hand I drop the knife and slide out from under his arm.

"N-Nope! I'm good! In fact, why don't you chop the lettuce, now that you're up?"

He looks a little hurt, but I'm proud of myself for successfully avoiding a romantic situation. This is one of the more common ones in games, where the heroine hurts herself cutting things and the love interest helps her, or where he holds her hand on the knife to steady it. But in making him do the chopping, I can avoid all of that!

"You're so lazy," Kazuki complains over his perfectly made lunch.

"I'm a hazard to society," I agree. "And to all of our healths. Do you really want a finger in with your lettuce?"

"It's okay," Junta assures Kazuki as he easily chops up the greens into perfect pieces. "I don't mind. Believe me, you've never eaten Haru's cooking before."

"I've been lucky enough to avoid it," Kazuki agrees. "But he should do something."

"I'll make the pasta." I grab the nearest pasta shaped items and throw them in the pot of boiling water before realizing they were chopsticks. Without thinking I reach to take them out, but Kazuki grabs my hand, pulling me away. Junta sends our connected hands a worried glance as he finishes up the lettuce.

"I never should've asked you to help." Kazuki turns me around and pushes me toward the living room. "Sit on the sofa and never come into the kitchen again."

"I told you," I mutter, dragging myself out of the kitchen and settling down by the counter. "I'm a menace to everyone's safety in the kitchen, especially holding a knife."

"I'm glad we got it away from you," Junta laughs. "Remember that time you almost cut off your finger and you had to go to the hospital to get it sewn back on?"

Finally, a made up memory that doesn't seem fake. Too bad it has to be this one.

"Yeah. Fun times."

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