Part 35

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I'm pushed into the living room, Kiki closing the door behind me with a snicker. Kazuki looks up from his phone, his eyes widening slightly when he sees me.

"Mori..." realizing something, he quickly coughs, regaining his cool. "Why does your cousin just have that?"

"I know, right?" I brush carefully brown combed hair out of my eyes, looking down at my blue plaid shirt and dark, fresh jeans. I'll just have to pretend Kiki had all these things with her, even though we saw none of them, and that she definitely didn't use magic to Cinderella me. I swear, if these clothes disappear at midnight I'm gonna lose it. "She went a little overboard, right?" I bat at a crisp strand of perfect hair that's perfectly stabbing me in the eye. "I've never had my hair like this before."

Kazuki gets up, putting down his phone without looking away from me. "No, it looks—" He walks over and fingers the strand I'm playing with until it fluffs out. "...Nice. It looks fine."

"You think?" I let go right before our fingers brush and he nods.

"This is the first time I've seen you without a bed head. You should do your hair like this more often."

"That's way too much work."

He smiles tiredly. "You're just lazy."

"Maybe I am." It's hard to breathe when faced with that calm, almost sad smile.

"I think—"

"Let's just go," I mutter, brushing past him and to the door to put my shoes on, my face burning. I can't give in to Kiki's plan. I cannot give in! We're just friends. Of course a friend would compliment his friend! And he might help him with troublesome hair, too. Yeah, this is all totally normal, friend behavior.


"Yes?" I yelp, jumping as Kazuki comes up behind me.

"You're spacing out. I need to get to my shoes."

"S-Sorry." I step to the side and he walks past me, his expression normal as if nothing happened.

We exit the house, Kazuki's long strides making me walk faster than I usually do just to keep up. Going shopping with a hot guy like this, all dressed up; this is the very definition of a date! I can't believe it! And I'm stuck in this situation. It's too late to tell him I'm feeling sick and turn around, and even if I did find a way home there's still the problem of Kiki, who will do everything in her power to get us on this date.

If only Emi could see this. She'd absolutely lose her mind. I smile to myself at the thought. If she's happy for me, it can't be too bad, right?

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