Part 60

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I feel a presence approach and I look back to where Junta's walking over.

"Good evening," he tries, smiling awkwardly.

Riporin's fork falls out of her hand. Amin's mouth hangs open, a line of water running down to her chin. Junta glances at me and Emi questioningly and I sigh.

"Why don't you sit down? I'm sure the girls want to catch up, right?" I give them a strict look and Amin rushes to wipe her chin. Riporin adjusts her fork like she meant to drop it.

"What—ah...what happened to your curly hair?" Amin wonders nervously, her cheeks flushed.

"It gets curly when it's long," he explains, patting his head. "That's why I cut it like this. Are you two Saeki and Igawa? I remember you from—"

"Amin!" Amin yelps.

"Riporin!" Riporin adds. "Please, call me Riporin."

"Ah—okay..." He smiles uncomfortably. "If that's what you want..."

"Yes! I prefer it, actually!" She huffs happily and I groan. I never knew they'd be so much trouble—and here I thought Emi's a bother sometimes. At least she isn't obsessed with boys.

"Oh yeah, Junta," Emi speaks up, "We're gonna go to a reunion with all our elementary school friends. You wanna come?" He glances nervously at me and Emi catches it, adding, "Haru's coming, by the way, if that changes your mind."

He grunts in surprise and covers his mouth as casually as he can, looking away. "Y-Yeah, I'll come."

Amin leans over to Riporin and whispers something that makes them both giggle while I watch Junta catch his cool worriedly.

"You sure? You don't have practice?"

"Oh." He blinks, then looks away again. "Yeah, I do. But depending on when it is, I can probably make it to the end."

"You don't have to come. I know you were a little distant from the rest of them—I don't want it to be awkward for you."

He smiles gently. "I want to go. Besides, I'm worried you'll get made fun of."

I feel my cheeks heat in an emotion I can't quite discern—Anger? Happiness? Annoyance? Gratefulness?—but I push it down, worried at what else it might be. "Thanks, but I'm not a kid anymore. I can handle myself."

He nods. "I know, but I'm still coming."

"So?" Riporin interrupts us, grinning. "How long have you two been dating?"

"Huh!?" I jolt back and I feel Junta do the same. "We-We're not! You've got the totally wrong idea. We're just friends, right?" I glance at Junta, who's hiding under the menu. Shoot, what if he doesn't agree? I know he doesn't agree, but what if he says it out loud? This would be the worst possible place and time for him to confess to me.

"Y-Yeah." He peeks out at me, smiling sadly. "We're just friends."

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding as both girls whine about how perfect would be together. Emi pulls me closer and whispers, "Can't you see how much he's blushing? C'mon, Haru, grow a brain!"

"It was just an awkward question," I mutter, always hating to lie to her. "He doesn't like me anymore, not like that."

She groans, rolling her eyes and letting me sit straight. "You're hopeless."

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