Part 90

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"What!? You were attacked?" Arisa worries around me like an older sister which, to be fair, she is.

"Junta and another friend came to save me," I assure her. "I'm fine, really."

Tsukasa glares at the floor. "I have to leave. I'm putting all of you in danger."

"What?" Junta yelps. "You're not—"

"You can't leave," I assure him softly. His eyes leave the floor to stare at me and I smile, feeling strength flow through me. "I'm not losing you because of some psychopathic stalker. You don't have to run. Not when we're together." I feel my cheeks heat and awkwardly add, "All of us...together, I mean."

He forces a smile. "Thanks, Haru."

I nod. I guess that's the best I'm going to get. "We should all get to bed. It's been a long day."

Everyone agrees and I start up the stairs, but not before I catch Junta's worried glance at Kazuki, then toward me. Oh, he's probably nervous we're on a first name basis now, since that means I'm getting closer to Tsukasa. I sigh as I ascend the stairs. My emotions feel all mixed up, like someone puréed my heart in a blender. Just because I'm closer with Tsukasa, that doesn't mean I'm in love with him...right? We're still just friends, right?

But...why am I even trying to do this? If I just give in, I'll get all my stuff back. And if my feelings for Tsukasa really are changing, is that such a bad thing?

I shake my head, opening the door. No matter what I feel, he's still not interested in dating, so it doesn't matter. And as long as that stays the same, I'm safe.

"Haru! You've returned beaten and battered, but I, your hot friend, will cheer you up in no time!"

I groan, slamming the door and ignoring Kiki to flop onto the bed. "I'm not your friend and you're not hot. Get that into your tiny brain. Oh, wait," I roll over to glare at him. "You don't have one, do you?"

"Harsh as always..." He laughs sadly. "But no matter what you say, I'm your friend. You've always got me!"

"Great. How do I un-get you?"

"I don't think you want that~" he sings happily, sitting down next to me. "After all, I pretty much saved your life today! If I hadn't used magic to send those texts, you would've been screwed. And not in the way I want."

I sit up and push his face away from mine in disgust. "You sent those? And get off my bed."

"Of course!" He doesn't move, so I guess he's replying to the first question. "If you get hurt, my career goes down the drain, and I can't have that!"

"Wow, thanks for caring."

"But of course!" He claps his hands together, then points them at me. "You've collected all these minions I can use to save you wherever I need, so I just had to cash him in!"

I groan. "Please don't call my friends minions. Besides, why don't you just use your magic to help Tsukasa? He could really use it."

Kiki smirks, leaning in close. "On a first name basis, I see. Very, very good."

"Ngh—" I jump off the bed, wiping my hands on my pants nervously. "We've just g-gotten closer as friends, is all. Stop with your lame schemes."

"And that's why you're blushing," he finishes for me. "Very friendly indeed."

"Why won't you use your magic to help him?" I growl, realizing he's trying to distract me.

He shakes his head, getting to his feet as well. "I can only use my magic to help you fall in love."

"But if she comes after me again..."

"We'll have to remove Tsukasa as a love interest."

I blanch. Remove him? The hell does that mean? And just when we're getting closer? "You can't!" I grab his shirt collar but instead of smirking as usual, he sighs sadly.

"I'm sorry, Haru. But it's against the rules."

"Rules my ass." I snatch his wand and stalk past him to open the window. There's a perfectly placed pile of dog poop in my neighbor's lawn and I aim for it as I chuck the wand. Its trajectory is perfect and it lands, handle up, directly in the pile. Kiki yelps in horror, rushing past me to stare at his now sickly green wand.

"Why would you—?"

"I have no time for a heartless wizard. If you don't want to help, get out."

With that I walk back inside, closing and locking the door behind me. Kiki gives me a genuinely sad look, so genuine I almost feel bad, and then hops off the balcony, disappearing from view.

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