Part 99

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"Haru? You...You don't look so good," Junta worries as I try to hold back my hundredth yawn of the day.

"He stayed up late playing video games," Tsukasa informs him with a sigh. "I tried to get him to go to bed, but..."

"I had to beat the final boss," I complain tiredly. "After that, I had to beat the next boss, and then play a minigame...and time just slipped away from me."

"Well, don't fall asleep in class." Junta ruffles my hair and I laugh, then feel my heart drop. Junta still likes me, doesn't he? And since my parents went back to the US, we're still living together. Every time I look at him I feel so guilty for not returning his feelings I can hardly stand it.

"Heeeeeey!" a shrill voice calls and female Kiki runs toward us, one arm in the air. She skids to a stop in front of me, laughing, her star decorated bag sparkling in the morning sun. "How's it going, Haru? Feeling any new romantic attractions today?"

"I feel romantically attracted to not having to see you," I sigh tiredly and she laughs as usual.

"You're such a grouch in the morning! D'ya want me to take away your games again so you'll get better sleep?"

"If you even think about it—"

"You hit me where it hurts the most, I know, I know."

Junta laughs. "You two have the strangest relationship."

"Haru just doesn't want to admit he's in love with me!" Kiki waves her wand and poofs into Koi, still grinning that obnoxious grin. "See? He's blushing!"

I groan, doing whatever the opposite of blushing is. "You're delusional. And please don't transform in broad daylight."

"Aww, don't be such a tsundere!"

"The real tsundere is—" I bite my cheek as Koganei's black car pulls up next to us, the back window rolling down.

He flicks his hair back with his usual haughty expression. "It's the start of a new semester, so you'd better look forward to seeing me every day, commoners."

I bite back a snappy reply, thinking back to how he was at the time of the incident. Kiki told me his uncle put a stop to Kishi's family trying to get away scott free, so I'm grateful, no matter how obnoxious he is.

"Thanks, Koganei, for helping," I mumble and his cheeks flush.

"I didn't do anything," he assures me.

"You're a real tsundere now," I laugh. "Ikeda must be so proud."

"She is..." He jumps and glances at my guests, then resumes his pose. "...I'm guessing. I mean, what commoner wouldn't be proud to even work with me?" His eyes widen as he spots Koi behind me. "What are you doing with that cousin of yours? He doesn't go to our school."

"He's—ah, he's staying over at my house for tonight," I stammer. "But he'll leave soon, right, Koi?"

He snickers, looking down at Koganei. "Jealous?"

"I'd never be jealous of a commoner like you!" He takes a deep breath, sighing it out. "Haru, how do you live in the company of such awful relatives?"

"It's a struggle," I agree, glaring at Koi. "But I'll survive."

"Hmph. I would banish them if they were my relatives."

"Sure, sure," I sigh. "You should probably get to school."

He nods and the window rolls up, the car starting away.

"You have a strange relationship with him, too," Junta observes.

"Lucky me..."

We continue walking to school, Tsukasa on one side of me, Junta on the other, Koi trailing behind sadly. I smile up at the sun, almost blinding myself. If only romance didn't exist in this world, our lives could continue on like this. But love affects us all; not even I'm immune to it. I just hope I can keep this peaceful life for as long as I can.

But I know it'll end someday.

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