Part 44

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I feel a sigh escape my lips as I stuff cookie after cookie into the bottom shelf. When I hear work, I think "That sounds tough," not "That sounds extremely boring." Seriously, I've been doing this for two hours. Can some meteor strike outside, setting this goddamn building on fire? I'd pay anything for a little entertainment.

"Mori," the manager calls, walking over. "We've got a new hire. Can you show him the way around?"

"Sure thing." I look up and every cookie drops from my arms with a loud crackle of plastic.

"Why are you staring like that?" Koganei snaps, pulling at the hem of his uniform uncomfortably. "You told me to boast about my wealth when I've worked for it, so here I am, working for it."

That really hit deep, huh? I can't believe he's actually here. This feels like some sort of fever dream.

"Mori? Are you alright?" The manager looks back between the two of us, then smiles widely. "Do you know each other? That's great! Then I'll leave you two to it."

He struts off and I stand after picking up the last of the cookies and dumping them into the bin of whence they came. I hand said bin to Koganei and nod to the shelf. "Why don't you finish stocking there and I'll figure out what to teach you up front?"

"How do I...stock?" he asks blankly. When I explain he scoffs, "You expect me to do such back breaking work? No, I will serve the peasants in the front and let them bask in my glory, and you will stock these shelves with their food." And with that he shoves the bin into my arms and struts to the front of the store.

I watch him go, a little in shock. I hear Ikeda, who works at one of the cashiers, start raving about how beautiful he is and I sigh.

Looks like I got what I was looking for, just not in the way I wanted it.

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