Part 25

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I grab a baggy pair of sweatpants, pull them on, and tuck my shirt in all the way around. Now's my chance to look like a total idiot and really get both boys to never fall in love with me.

I start for the door, but a hand grabs me by my shirt collar and hoists me back into the room, almost choking me. I cough, whipping around to see Kiki waving a finger back and forth while wearing a disappointed expression.

"Kiki?" I yelp, suddenly embarrassed. "What—how long have you been here?"

She lights up, putting a hand to her cheek. "You said my name! I'm so happy!"

"Oh, screw off," I growl, starting for the door, but she grabs me again, throwing me to the bed with surprising strength.

"Oh no you don't! You're not leaving until we change that outfit to something manly and cute!"

"How can I be manly and cute?" I challenge, pushing her away with one hand. "Anyway, you never told me how you're a human right now. I didn't know that was one of your powers! What happened to the ugly egg?"

"I'm not an egg!" Kiki takes a deep breath, as if I'm causing trouble for her. "I'm here to support you, Haru. And it's much easier to do that in human form. I gave you another choice; Junta, the hot childhood friend, but you've decided to ignore both your options and force your way out of it. Well, I can't have that!"

"Or you can," I suggest dryly, "and just leave."

Kiki laughs squeakily. "Oh, no silly! This is my whole job!" She pounces on me and grabs the bottom of my shirt, trying to pull it out of my pants. I yell in horror and try to push her off me, but she dodges every one of my attacks.

"You're going to be well dressed!" she cries through gritted teeth.

"No, I'm gonna look like an idiot!"

The door swings open and Emi stares at us before yelping and slamming it shut. We're frozen in place as she slowly opens it again, then chides, "Kiki! He's your cousin!"

Kiki leaps off me, putting her hands up in defense. "What are you blaming me? He's the boy here, shouldn't he be responsible?"

Emi sighs, walking over to the bed and offering me a hand. "Haru would never do that to a girl or even a boy, at least not on purpose. He's way too much of a chicken."

"Wow, thanks." I take her hand and pull myself to my feet, straightening out my clothes. Then I wheel on Kiki, who flinches, backing toward the door slowly.

"Listen, I'm just trying to make Haru look presentable!" she tries to defend herself.

"What?" Emi takes one look at me before breaking out into hysterical laughter. "What the—Haru, why in...Why are you dressed like that!? You look like a total creepy dork!"

"That's...what I was aiming for," I admit. When they continue to stare at me I cry, "I can dress how I want in my own house, okay? So stop judging me!"

Emi lets out one more laugh before calming down and smiling supportively. "I don't really get why, but if you want to wear that do you, I guess."

"What?" Kiki stomps her foot in frustration. "No! He looks awful! I'm embarrassed to even be his cousin if he dresses like this!"

"Good thing you're not, then," I mutter under my breath, starting for the door. But just as I walk through I feel a force kick my foot out from under me. I yelp, stumbling down a few stares just as Kazuki starts up to see what the commotion is and we crash into each other, falling down the last few stairs and smacking into the wall.

My arms are on either side of his face, and my knee presses into his thigh. I can feel his panting breath on my cheek, and I'm sure he can feel mine the same. Again, why am I on top? I wonder. For an extended second we stare into each other's eyes, until I remember my situation.

"Sorry." I carefully remove my knee and stand, dusting myself off before offering a hand to help him up. "I'm such a..." Wait, why lie? I want to do everything I can to make him hate that stupid egg. "...Kiki tripped me. She's such an ass."

"It's okay. I get being clumsy," he sighs, taking my hand and getting to his feet.

"Wait, what?" I blink. "Did you hear what I said?"

He blinks back. "Yeah...That you're clumsy."

That egg! This must be her magic causing this. Curses!

"Seriously, why is it I get hurt every time we interact?" Kazuki groans, rubbing the back of his head.

"I'm really sorry," I mutter, feeling Kiki's eyes on my back. I whip around to see her grinning smugly at me as she walks down the stairs, followed by a worried Emi.

"Haru? Are you okay? You're such a clutz sometimes."

I sigh. Seeing as no one's going to be on my side in this situation, I'll just have to let my pride accept the blame.

"Yeah," I laugh, my eyes not leaving Kiki's as she reaches the two of us. I swear I'll make that egg rue the day she came into my life, if it's the last thing I do!

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