Part 40

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"We're here."

I push open the door, jumping out of the car and grabbing my bag. That was for sure the longest car ride I've ever been on, filled with awkward silence and lots of self restraint.


I groan, idling on the sidewalk while pretty-boy climbs flawlessly out of his side of the car and nods to the driver, who steps on the gas and speeds off. He walks to my side, then starts into the school yard. I have no choice but to follow him, but I walk a few paces behind so no one knows we're together.

"What are you doing?" he asks, annoyed, as we enter the building. "I know you're not that slow, since you were fast enough to run into my car. So hurry up."

I sigh, but quicken my pace to catch up to and walk alongside him. I hear the girls watching us whisper to each other curiously. I feel their eyes boring into my back and I wish I could have a hat like Kazuki's to hide my face. Why did we have to arrive during a break?

"Who do you think that is?"

"I dunno, never seen him before."

"Do you think he's friends with the prince?"


The prince? I raise an eyebrow, then spot my classroom and cut across his path to the door.

"This is my room," I explain, opening the door.

"Tsuchiya gave you his contact information, right? We'll get in touch with you another day." He flips his hair back haughtily. But don't get too anxious waiting for our call, kay?"

I grit my teeth, not responding for fear I might curse him out. With all these bystanders who love him, that would be the worst case scenario. As he walks off I hear whispers explode behind me and I quickly make my way into the classroom, closing the door behind me.

"Haru~" Emi slides up next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Don't think I didn't see that."

"I wish I didn't experience that," I grumble and she gasps.

"Saying those kinds of things is bound to get you murdered by his fanbase! Pick your words more carefully!"

"Who even is that guy?" I ask, walking over to our normal break spot.

She follows me, gushing, "Who is that guy? Haru dearest, have you been living under a rock!? That's only Prince Hijiri Koganei, star of class eight and the son of a mega rich family. All the girls in the school are obsessed with him!"

"Even you, I'm guessing? What happened to your boyfriend?" I ask tiredly.

She sighs, slumping down on the desk. "It wasn't to be. Turns out he's super stuck up. We didn't mesh at all."

"I'm in the same boat here," I complain. "Would you be surprised to know your precious prince is actually a spoiled brat?"

She shrugs, sitting back up. "I'm more surprised your precious Kazuki isn't one. You sure you're okay with living with him?"

I blush, looking away. "He's not my precious..."

She laughs, patting me on the head and I wince from its earlier encounter with the ground. Emi frowns.

"Are you sure you're okay? You didn't get too badly hurt, did you?"

"No, I'm fine." I push her worried hand away as the classroom door slides open and Junta, Kazuki and Makoto rush in.

"Haru!" Junta calls, running over to me. "Are you okay? I was worried about you!"

"Are you hurt?" Makoto presses, joining him at my side. After a second he looks up at the tall boy, a flush spreading over his face as he jumps back. "Woah! It's Hayami! I didn't notice!"

"You're not injured, are you?" Junta worries, reaching out but pulling back nervously at the last second.

I shake my head. "I'm fine, really. I wasn't even hurt."

Kazuki sighs tiredly from behind the two. "You were running, weren't you? Because you were late? It's your own fault for sleeping in like that."

"R-Right. Sorry?"

"Haru? You're friends with Hayami?" Makoto gushes, impressed. "That's so cool!"

"Ahaha..." Junta looks uncomfortable at the sudden attention. "I'm right here..."

"We're childhood friends," I explain and the sparkles practically fly from his eyes.

"Childhood friends? That's amazing!"

Kazuki groans and grabs the back of his collar, practically dragging him away. "We're going. See you later, Haru."

"Bye...?" I barely have the chance to say that as he closes the door, muffling Makoto's protests.

Junta watches them go with a slightly concerned expression, then turns to us. "Mind if I eat with you?"

"Sure." I gesture to the nearest chair and he drags it over, pulling out his lunch box full of what I know to be poison created by yours truly. "Aren't you gonna eat with your baseball friends?"

He laughs lightly, smiling fully at me. "I'd rather eat with you two today, if that's okay."

I feel my cheeks heat and I quickly try to dispel the emotion. He's just such a nice guy, it's hard to resist him.

"Yeah, I'd like that."

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