Part 2

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I sigh, standing and stretching before my long gaming session. I know there's no point, since Akio, Haruka, Ichiro, and Junpei can't see me, but I walk to my full length mirror and run a hand through my medium length dark hair. I stand around 5'5, with deep green, almost emerald colored eyes and a tired expression irremovable from my face. It must be from the many, many sleepless nights I've had, staying up to play dating sims or other games.

Walking back to my spot in front of the TV, I open the case, take out the DVD, and slip it in where it belongs. Then I settle down on the carpet, legs crossed, and wait, breath baited.

"Our faces inches from each other, I feel his hot breath on my cheek as we stare into each other's eyes, both of us shocked at the situation we're in. How did I even get here!?"

I nod along. It sounds like the protagonist and one of the boys will end up on top of each other, probably with her on the bottom. I sigh wistfully, wishing again that I could be in her position. I don't mind being on the bottom, and I'm not embarrassed to admit that.

The game opens up, finally showing the characters, but something's wrong. Is it the eyes being too close together? The nose being too low? The smile being too wide? No, it's all those things combined! What happened to my boys!?

I glance at the cover of the DVD case, then back to the game. They're completely different! Did I really spend thirty bucks on a knockoff?

Trying to contain my anger, I take a deep breath and press "start" On the controller. Might as well play it to pass the time. The site said no returns (which, now that I'm thinking about it, was a huge red flag) so it's not like I can get rid of it.

"Alright, you better have some value or I swear to God I'm going to smash you with a hammer," I warn the game. "Got it?"

"Loud and clear!" a squeaky voice replies, and I jump a good three feet into the air, pulling muscles in my legs I never knew I had and falling onto my back.

"What the—" I grunt, sitting back up and looking around the room for my mom or my dad, or maybe Emi Tsukumo, my best friend, to be pranking me but my room is as it's always been; covered in anime merch but lacking a family member. But when I turn back to the screen I'm horrified to see a small yellow...egg...thing(?) clambering out of it.

I'm dreaming. I have to be. Wow, I've never had a lucid dream before. I look around the room again, making sure everything looks the same. Man, if I'm going to lucid dream, my brain should at least make it interesting. This is just my normal everyday routine, minus the floating egg that's staring at me as if waiting for something.

When it notices me looking at it, it bows the best an egg can and says, "I'm Kiki! Great to meet you, Haru!"

"Oh...You know my name." It makes sense that characters in my dream would know my name, I guess...

"You're not surprised?" the egg asks, confused.

"Oh, don't worry," I assure it. "This is just a dream. Sorry, but you're a character in my—OW!"

The creature flies forward at full speed, raising the magic wand it's suddenly holding to whack me in the eyebrow. I instinctively swat at it, sending it flying onto my bed.

"What the hell was that!?" I jump to my feet and run over, grabbing the creature before it can get away and lifting it with both hands. "What's wrong with you!? No, I guess the question is what's wrong with me for dreaming this."

"Still sure you're dreaming?" The egg points its wand at the painful spot on my forehead. I blink, releasing it. It floats in the air, watching me as I carefully poke my eyebrow, wincing at the pain that sends through my head. The pain that definitely feels real.

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