Part 68

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Crap, what was that? That look–nope, I can't convince myself anymore. Is Ryuya really in love with me? Wait, this must be Kiki's mind control! Yeah, that's it; he only has feelings for me because of that stupid egg. I mean, what's there to love anyway? I shake my head, slowing to a stop in the entranceway. Both of those thoughts were wrong. First off, I told myself I wouldn't think things like that anymore. I guess I've unconsciously been doing that my whole life and today just brought it to my attention.

Second off, it can't be Kiki's magic doing this. If I believe what it told me, it can't mind control people. I can't help but believe it; it would've made me fall in love first thing if it could. So Ryuya's feelings are his own? That is, if I haven't completely misread the situation and he's actually straight, or just wants to be friends with me.


But do people blush around their friends? Not that I know of. Unless Ryuya is just weird. Well, he is, but I didn't think he was that weird.


Aghh, my brain feels like it's splitting! I can't handle another love interest! What do I do? Should I just tell him I don't like him back? Do I wait until his impending confession? Should I tell him Junta and I are dating?

"No, I can't do that to Junta," I mutter to myself thoughtfully.

"Do what!?"

"Eh?" I look up to see my childhood friend staring at me with a worried expression. Wait, did I say that out loud? "N-Nothing! Sorry, I was just thinking out loud."

He doesn't look very convinced but I guess he gracefully decides to drop the topic, smiling awkwardly. "I'"

"Right!" I start back into the building and I can hear him follow. "Do you remember everyone?"

"Mostly," he admits. "I might need a few refreshers."

"That's fine," I laugh, opening the door. All sounds of conversation stop as I usher Junta in and he nervously obliges. Immediately Riporin and Amin appear at his sides, grabbing his arms and leading him to the table.

"Remember Tonta?" they yell in sync. "Or...Hayami Junta?"

"How long did it take you to memorize that?" I murmur, smiling as I take my seat next to Ryuya again, who's staring at Junta like he's some sort of demon god.

"Hey Tonta/Junta!" Emi calls casually.

"Woah!" Miyuki cries, jumping to her feet. "That's Tonta!?"

"Miyuki, you're being a little rude," Yuri tries worriedly, getting to her feet as well. She turns to Junta and bows. "It's a pleasure to see you again, T—Junta."

"Oh, please don't bow!" He's guided onto the bench by my friends, who settle happily on either side of him. "But it's nice to see you too, Yuri."

Her cheeks flush and she quickly sits down again, murmuring, "You remember my name. That's—that's wonderful."

"Wait..." Harue rushes from her spot in front of the screen over to Junta, mic still in hand. "Are you the Hayami Junta from Shukan High School?"

"I think I'm the only one," he tries to joke, jumping as she seizes his hand and shakes it vigorously.

"I'm a huge fan of baseball! You're amazing! You had a clutch hit at a game the other day!"

His expression of surprise fades into a gentle smile. "You seem more extroverted than I remember, Harue."

In a second she's in the furthest corner from him, head against the wall. "I can't believe I said all that—that's so embarrassing—I didn't know I'd let out that side of me—I wanna go into a hole and die!"

"P-Please don't do that!" Junta yelps, starting to jump to his feet but being pulled down by Riporin and Amin.

"Relax, dude. She does this all the time," Miyuki assures him, but he doesn't look any more happy about it. "But what about you? When'd you grow into such a fine character?" She snickers at her wording and he flushes, wrapping his hands together in his lap. I feel a little bad for the guy. I wouldn't like to be put on the spot like this either.

"She's right," Yuri comments, smiling up at him from her spot on the other side of Riporin. "You've grown really tall. I barely recognize you."

"Oh yeah," Emi chimes in, "how tall are you, Junta?" Her grin says she fully knows, but I decide not to comment on it and let her have her fun.

"I'm a hundred eighty-six centimeters," he admits with an embarrassed laugh.

"Woah! You could play basketball pretty well," Miyuki bets, as if inviting him to a challenge. "You must be totally popular! Are you dating anyone?"


He's interrupted by Amin pointing to me with a grin. "He's right there!"

My cheeks heat and I'm painfully aware of Ryuya staring at me in shock. Every second ticking by is a second of them believing Junta and I are dating. I have to stop this.

"I told you already," I snap, "we're friends, okay? Nothing more."

"Haru's right," Junta agrees sadly. "We're not a thing. We're just friends."

"I dunno, I could see you two together," Emi, always the matchmaker, comments. "You've always gotten along great, and you even live—"

"Really close to each other!" I yelp and she blinks in confusion before covering her mouth and giving me an apologetic smile.

I look back to Junta, who's watching Emi carefully. When he catches my gaze he quickly drops it, deciding the table is a much more interesting topic. I don't blame him—No, none of that, Haru. Stay positive.

"Hmph." All eyes turn to Ryuya, who crosses his arms and glares at Junta. "Aren't you embarrassed, pampering him like this? Just because he's not ugly anymore doesn't mean he's an amazing person."

"Hey, don't say that..." Harue, who's joined the bench again, mutters timidly. 

"You're tall, you're handsome, you're good at sports, and you've grown tall, but that doesn't mean I respect you!"

"You said he's tall twice," I note blandly. "And you're wrong about all that."

"Huh?" He turns his glare on me but this time I don't shrink from it.

"You're wrong," I repeat. "Junta's getting pampered because he's worked hard for it, and he deserves that. Besides, he doesn't enjoy showing off his muscles or his goals. He plays because he loves it, and it makes him happy. He's not just another hot asshole who thinks they're all that. I respect him, and so should you."

I hold his gaze until he breaks away, muttering, "I'm going home. Bye."

"What?" I yelp as he stomps past me and out the door.

"You're running from your problems again?" Miyuki yells angrily and he slams the door behind him, leaving us in silence.

For a second I'm shocked, but then I realize it's up to me to fix this. I must've said the wrong thing that made him snap—I just know somehow this is my fault.

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