Part 96

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"You're not sleeping with Dad?" I wonder as my mother sets up her futon on my floor.

"No way," she laughs. "You know how he snores after long trips; I wouldn't sleep a wink."

"Oh, yeah..." I can't laugh along with her, not when I'm still worried about Kiki. It still hasn't shown up, and my three favorite things are still here. Does this mean it's really gone? I haven't even had a moment to myself to figure out my feelings about the egg. I don't love it, that's for sure. But after all this time, after everything it's done for me, doesn't it have the right to be called my friend?

"Haru? What's wrong?"

"I'm not really tired," I lie. "I'm going downstairs."

"Ah, alright." As I open the door she adds, "You can talk to me, sweetheart. I know we haven't really been here for you, but—"

"I'm okay." I force a smile for her and she frowns, seeing right through it. "I'll be up soon. I just...have to figure some things out."

"Okay..." she calls, unsure, as I close the door behind me and walk down the stairs as calmly as I can. This is fine. I'm going to call it and it's going to show up, laughing about how it pranked me or something. I sigh. That asshole, worrying me like this.

I close the living room door behind me and call, "Kiki! Come on out, you egg!" There's no reply and I feel my pulse double. "Kiki! This isn't good for my health, and studies say bad health means bad relationships, so—"

"Kiki's gone," a squeaky voice informs me sadly, and an almost identical egg pops out from behind the couch, wielding an almost identical star wand.

My heart drops. Kiki's...gone?

"Who are you?"

It flies up to bow in front of me. "I'm sorry this is so sudden. I'm Riri the wizard, and I'm now assigned to your case instead of Kiki."

"What?" Instead of horror, anger overtakes me and I grab the different egg, making it yelp in surprise. "A similar look, a similar voice, and a similar name? What, did you just think I wouldn't notice if you switched out with my egg!?"

"I'm not an egg, and neither is Kiki!" it complains, flying out of my grasp. "I'm Riri the wizard!"

"You already said that."

"W-What is that!?"

I turn slowly, seeing Tsukasa and Junta standing in the now open doorway, staring at Riri.

"A floating doll?" Tsukasa guesses calmly, while Junta continues to shakily point at the wizard. Wait...

"You can see it?" I yelp, wheeling on Riri. "The hell's with that? Why can they see you?"

"Gah! The magic spell! I was so flustered I forgot it!"

It scrambles for its wand as Junta squeaks, "It talks!"

"Haru, what's going on?" Tsukasa looks to me seriously. "Do you know this thing?"

"I'm not a thing, I'm Riri!" the wizard squeals angrily. Junta looks like he's about to faint while Tsukasa continues to watch me for an answer. Problem is I have no idea what to tell them. I never thought I'd have to tell them, and I was honestly hoping I never would. Knowing their actions were being controlled by a now disappeared wizard...anyone would react badly to that. Hell, I still don't like it, and it's been months. But I guess I don't have a choice.

"Why don't you guys sit down?" I suggest awkwardly, heading to the couch and hearing them follow me. "This might take a while."

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