Part 9

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After a few minutes, we reach a dark yellow house. Kazuki unlocks the door and we step inside, warm air immediately hitting my face. I step through the door and quickly close it behind me so as to not let the cold in.

"Wait here," Kazuki orders, like I'm going to run at any moment, which, to be fair, I might. "I'll get the umbrella."

I nod and he starts into the house, leaving me alone in the entranceway. a cute guy's house. A guy who lives by himself...I shake the thoughts away. I can't get distracted from my goal—to get rid of Kiki once and for all. I bet it's eating this up, me being in the love interest's home. But I won't lose to that stupid egg!

"Mori?" I flinch. I was spacing out again—I can't do that right now, not while I'm in so much danger! Kazuki hands me a towel and I use it to dry my hair the best I can. He has a similar colored one hanging around his neck, which, for some reason, makes it hard to breathe. I'm losing this battle.

That means it's time to unleash my ultimate move: Boy Filter!

Images of my five beautiful boys surround Kazuki, blurring out his face with theirs. It's working; I feel calmer already. If I can't see his stupid handsome face, I can't lose to it.

"Yeah, thanks." I pull the towel off my head and shake out my hair. Out of the corner of my eye I can see him watching me closely, but I can't read his expression. No, Akio, Haruka, Ichiro, Junpei! Akio, Haruka, Ichiro, Junpei! That's all I can think about!

"Anyway," he interrupts my thoughts, "why were you waiting for the reason to end in the park? Why didn't you just go home? You live around here, right?"

"Ah—" I flinch, looking away. "I might've found a—"

"A what?"

"A r—r..." I flush, trying not to remember that horrible creature. "I can't...even say it."

"A robber?" He looks worried and I feel my heart sink.

"No, a r-roach." I shudder, the word making me think of it again.

"A roach?" He tilts his head to the side, confused. "And...why did you take off?"

"And?" I snap, suddenly annoyed. "I can't stand those things! Not with their hairy, spiked legs and huge wings. And this one was super aggressive!" I look away, embarrassed. "Usually, well, usually my mom handles them, but she's gone now, since she suddenly moved overseas for work. I tried to escape it, but it attacked me—it flew right for me, and I couldn't help it. I know it's pathetic, but I just took off. I had to get away from it. But since I took off so fast I didn't have my phone or wallet and then it started raining..." I look up at him, "this is seriously the worst—"

"Pftt—" His cheek is puffed out and his entire face is shaking like he's trying to hold in the biggest laugh ever. He grabs his towel and puts it over his mouth, still trying to hold the laughter in.

Wait, isn't he supposed to be this chill hot guy who never laughs or smiles? Where did this come from? Wherever it did, I'm defenseless against it.

"What?" I feel my own face quirk into a smile as he openly laughs, still trying to hide it in his towel.

"S-Sorry," he chuckles. "Just...that look on your face—"

"Hey, I'm traumatized from that," I snap jokingly, tossing my towel back to him.

He catches it, and finally smiles at me, his cheeks red. "You're right. That is the worst."

Gah! Before his smile, Akio, Haruka, Ichiro and Junpei stand no chance. And so they shatter into a million pieces, falling to the ground around me, revealing behind them the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

The fantasy world lost to reality? But that's impossible! No! I can't give up. It's time to use my real trump card: Sushi Mirage!

A plate of all my favorite sushi rolls appears, blocking his beautiful face as he realizes, "so that's why your shoes don't match!"

I flush even more, looking down to see he's right; I'm wearing one blue sneaker and one green generic running shoe. How did that even happen? In fact, I don't remember putting on shoes at all when I ran out.

"Want me to get it?" the sushi asks.


"The creature-that-cannot-be-named," he clarifies, leaning against the wall. "I could come to your house and catch it for you."

"Really? You'd do that?" Then, remembering I have at least a little pride left, I lean against the wall, matching him, and raise an eyebrow. "I mean, I could do it myself..."

"Oh good." I can tell he's trying not to smile again. "Then you don't need me. Good luck."

Bastard, backing me into a corner like this. I grit my teeth, but don't say anything. If he comes to my house that would really be the end, and the happiest day of Kiki's life.

Kazuki frowns seriously. "Also, you're avoiding me, aren't you? Do you really still feel bad about the smartphone?"

"N-No..." I mutter, then blink. "I mean, yeah, I do, but—"

"Then why are you avoiding me?" He takes a step closer, towering above me. I jump off the wall and stumble back, trapped between the door and the boy I want nothing and everything to with. "Well," he adds, "since you're so obviously avoiding me, it just makes me more curious about you. So I think you've failed."

I really, really have. More than he can ever know. But I'm still not giving up! Buuuut...having him come get the r...thing wouldn't hurt too much, would it?

I sigh and mutter, "Well, maybe I'd be okay with owing you one more favor..."

"All right, then..." He hands me the green coat he's been holding, and I realize how cold I've been. As I slip it over my shoulders and pull my arms through he laughs again. "Sorry, that's huge on you. It matches you though."

It matches me? It's a pretty good looking coat, so what is he trying to say about me!? I can't handle this kid! I can feel my heart trying to rip itself out of my chest to give him a slimy hug.

"C'mon." He starts into the doorway and I follow, trying to calm myself down. I stare at the backs of his shoes, the sushi covering even that. Then the shoes turn and a hand pulls the hood over my head. "You'll get a cold, if you don't have one already. Bundle up."

The sushi shatters. I nod, still staring at the floor, and he opens the door. How can one guy defeat every attack I have planned for him? This...this is impossible!

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