Part 51

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I groan, grabbing the nearest couch pillow and putting it up to block Kiki from view. She dashes to me, snatching it from my hands and tossing it aside.

"No," I snap. "Whatever it is, no."

"Awww, but it haven't even heard—"


"Anyway." She flops down next to me on the couch, ignoring my protests. "You said I have to figure out humans better, so I thought I'd do just that!"

"That so?" I pick back up the book I was reading, deciding to just ignore her. "Good luck, then."

The book is wrenched from my hands and Kiki places it on the coffee table.

"Take me on a date, Haru Mori. I want to know what love is supposed to be like." Her eyes are strangely serious as she stares into mine.

"Rewind the conversation to the part where I said "no" and go from there," I instruct blandly. "And you're forgetting I'm not gonna go on a date with you when you look like that."

"Oh, is that the problem?" She raises her wand and smoke puffs up around her, making me cough. As I bat it out of my face I'm met with the last thing I want to see, but what I knew was coming anyway: a boy with short blond hair and sparkling blue-purple eyes grinning at me. "Tada!" He spins his wand around a finger. "How do you like that?"

"I don't, actually," I groan. "Can you let me get back to reading?"

"Eh!?" He grabs my book as I start for it and holds it out of reach. "But I'm a guy now! Don't you think I'm cute?"

I stare at him in disbelief. "Are you seriously that stupid? I'm not going to like you just because of your gender. It's personality that matters—and I know exactly how awful yours is."

"Aww, cruel," he whines. Then his eyes light up and he leans in, whispering, "I'll reward you~ Remember that new sushi place that opened up a few blocks down the street? You couldn't go because I made—I mean they made everything so expensive. But I'll treat you to as much as you want!"

"Ngh—" I force myself to look away. "Y-Yeah right. You think I can be swayed by one meal?"
"Then what if I buy some for everyone in the house? Junta and Kazuki would be soooo happy!"

"You have that money?" I yelp before I can stop myself.

"So that's a yes?" he evades my question. When I don't respond for a second he grabs my hands, pulling me off the couch with him. "Yay! I'm so excited! Okay, we're getting you changed into something presentable, then we're going to the mall!"

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