Part 15

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The day ends just as quickly as it started. Emi had to stay in to talk to the teacher, and she told me it would take a while and that I should just leave and go have fun with my new boyfriend, to which I didn't reply.

I'm walking through the halls to leave the school when two girls flock to either side of me, one with short, bobbed hair and the other with long brown hair. I recognize them as the same two girls who were talking with Kazuki yesterday. Great.

"Hey, you're Haruki, right? Bob-hair asks, smiling forcefully. "My friend thinks you're pretty cute. Do you mind if we join you on your way home?"

I sigh. She's really not fooling anyone. I don't have fans and I never will, and I'm fine with that. Besides, she doesn't even know my name. It's clear she didn't put a lot of effort into this. "What do you want?"

"What do you mean?" the other one asks innocently. "We just—" When I raise an eyebrow she gives up the act and states plainly, "I heard from a friend of a friend that you're meeting with Tsukasa today, and we want to join you."

"A friend of a friend?" Did Emi tell them? No, she wouldn't do that, meaning someone must've heard us talking and alerted the fan club. What a pain. It must be hard for Kazuki to do anything with these creeps following him around. "Thanks for the offer, girls, but I don't need company."

She frowns. "It wasn't an offer. We're coming with you to see Tsukasa. He wasn't at school today so we're worried about him. He's not picking up his phone either. Something happened, I just know it!" She gasps dramatically. "My poor Tsukasa! All alone in that terrible storm without a phone! What if he's injured somewhere? I couldn't bear that!"

She really likes using his first name, huh? I sigh. There's not really a way for me to shake them, so I'll just have to apologize to him later. If he needs something urgently then I can't really not meet with him.

And so begins my awkward walk toward the cafe where he's waiting, trailed by two girls. I don't talk to them and don't to me, instead chatting loudly with each other about how cute Kazuki is. But when they start discussing what my relationship with him could be I send a glare over my shoulder and they shut up.

After about ten minutes we reach the cafe where he's waiting and I push open the door, almost running into a waitress who's looking the other way. She jumps back, the steaming tea she's holding splashing over the rim of the cup she's carrying and into her hand. She yelps in pain, almost dropping the cup before I take it from her.

"Are you okay?" I set the cup on the nearest table and grab her hand, turning it over in mine. Out of the corner of my eye I can see the orange of Kazuki's hair but I don't have time for that. I find the burn, a large splotch of dark red skin on her wrist. "That looks pretty bad. You should probably ice it."

"I'm very sorry, sir," she murmurs, pulling her hand away, cheeks flushed. I let go, realizing I'm probably being too forward. "Thank you very much."

"Are you sure you're okay?" I repeat and she nods, grabbing the cup and scurrying back into the kitchen.

"Damn, rejected," one of the girls comments from behind me and the other one giggles annoyingly. Then they rush past me, over to where Kazuki is watching the whole fiasco. I follow, giving him an apologetic look that he doesn't seem to catch.

"Tsukasa! What a coincidence seeing you here!" the leader gushes. "I'll put my bag next to you, so watch it okay? We're going to go get some drinks!" She skips off, followed by her friend to order at the counter. I turn to Kazuki, who's glaring in another direction.

"Are you mad?" I ask meekly, knowing full well the answer. If I had girls following me around like this I'd be pretty annoyed too.

"Why did you bring them?" he snaps. I set down my things and pull out the chair across from him, explaining the deal. Once I'm done he sighs, grabbing his tray and walking around me to the trash can.

"Where are you going?" I get up, grabbing my school bag again, but before I can do anything he nods to the door.

"Let's go."

"What about your friends?"

"They're not my friends," he growls. When I still don't move to follow him he grabs my arm and drags me towards the door. His hand is warm and rough, and I'm painfully conscious of every girl in the store glaring daggers at me, including the waitress from earlier. I can guess what had her so captivated when she ran into me, and that same thing is currently opening the door and pulling me out.

"Tsukasa?" one of the girls turns from ordering to stare at us.

"I made plans with him," he explains briefly before closing the door behind us as they call out in surprise.

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