Part 31

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"I'm home!" I call into the empty house. Kazuki is at work, and I don't know where Kiki is, not that I want that little demon around anyway, so I'm all alone. I stumble up to my room, throw my bag into a corner and collapse on my bed.

Today was filled with nothing but Emi gushing about last night and how lucky I am and other girls coming up to me, asking if I'm Kazuki's friend and if I could give them his number. I had to turn them all down, of course, which I hate doing, and now I'm exhausted.

"Damnit!" I slam my fist against the wall in anger. I want to eat sushi and play games to cheer me up! I want to tell my parents about my long day and everything that's happening to me! But I can't do any of those things, not with Kiki around. I feel so helpless and pathetic like this.

I don't remember falling asleep, but the next thing I know I'm blinking my eyes open in the dark. What woke me up was a strange sound coming through my wall, from the direction of my parents bedroom.

I jolt up in bed, wide awake, and jump to my feet, grabbing my phone. Is Kazuki back? I check the time, but it's too early for his shift to be over. Which means it's either a Kiki or a robber. Since both deserve to be hit with a stick, I grab the one keeping my windows locked and carefully make my way down the hallway.

When I reach the door, I throw it open to see a middle aged man in a green shirt with underwear on his head holding a pink bra and staring at me in shock.

"You have the nerve to break into my house and not even take anything valuable!?" I yell, throwing the stick like a javelin at him. He drops the bra and leaps to the side, the stick just barely missing him and clattering to the floor.

Crap! I panicked and told a really bad joke, as well as threw my only weapon away! This is why I'm useless in fights! Wait...

I blink, coming back to reality to see the thief climbing onto the balcony. He takes one last frightened look at me before leaping off. I hear a crash as he lands on our lawn, then a rustle of leaves saying he ran through the bushes and onto the street.

"Hey!" I yell, running to the balcony to see, for some reason, Junta watching the man run off with a confused expression. He looks up at my voice, and I call, "He's a thief...I think! Can you...I don't know, catch him?" As he starts off after the man I add, "It's okay if you can't! Don't push yourself..." But he's already disappeared behind the corner.

I run through the house and out the door, dialing the police as I do so. Once I've explained the situation, they agree to help and I hear a siren getting closer. Since I live so close to the station, they arrive in half a minute and a female officer and I run after Junta. We find him, as well as the thief, next to a vending machine, Junta holding his arms behind his back with a fierce expression.

The man yelps in terror when he sees me, and he seems even more scared of me than the police officer who cuffs him and drags him off toward her car.

I turn to Junta, both of us panting. "Thanks, man. I don't know what I would've done without you."

He nods. "I'm just glad you're okay. Oh yeah, I—Ah, I brought sweet potatoes." He laughs, as if realizing how crazy the situation is, and I join him in laughing as we walk back to my house.

"You're a really fast runner," I notice. "That must be from all that baseball."

He laughs again. "I'm just glad the police showed up quickly. I don't know how long I could've held him down for."

"Oh please." I nudge him with my elbow. "He stood no chance against your mightiness!"

"You think?" he asks quietly.

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