Part 29

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I slump into the couch, exhausted. Kiki finally disappeared somewhere to clean her wand, and Junta ran home, so now it's just me and Kazuki.

"Your cousin sure is something," he comments from the rocking chair, not looking up from his phone.

"You got that right," I groan. "I can't stand her. She just gets on my nerves when she says the craziest things. It's like she's got no filter for what comes out of her mouth! I can't believe we're related." I try to sprinkle as much truth as I can into my words. I hate lying to Kazuki, but it's not like I can tell him what's really going on or what Kiki really is.

"But it was nice."

"Huh?" I look up to see him avert his gaze.

"It was nice eating with everyone. I haven't done that in a while."

Oh yeah, Kazuki lived alone before he moved in with me. I wonder why, but it's better not to pry in times like this. Some people have complicated family situations, and that's that. I mean, my parents just moved out, although they were being controlled by a magic egg, so I kinda understand what he's going through.

But I wonder if he'll ever open up to me about it. Should I tell him I'll listen and I won't judge? No, that would be too much from someone he just met a few days ago. I think it's best to wait for him to come to me about whatever he's going through. And I'll just have to make sure to support him any way I can.

But first, I guess I have to open up to him, although it's hard. But this is the best way to start a good friendship.

"So..." I start awkwardly. Kazuki looks up and I flinch. My throat dries up and my heart starts pounding. This is exactly like when I came out to my parents. The pure, utter terror of rejection. I cough, looking away, and force myself to continue. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"That I..." Crap! I can't say it! I feel my cheeks heat to a hundred and ten degrees and my pounding heartbeat makes me feel sick. "Like..."

"Like guys?" he finishes calmly. I blink, surprised at his lackluster response.

"Y-Yeah. You probably think I'm using you, or trying to hit on you, but I swear I'm not weird or creepy like that. And, like I told you, I'm not interested in dating, so I—"

"I didn't think that." He breathes out a long sigh, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. "It actually explains a lot of the things you say and do. I feel stupid for not figuring it out sooner."

"You're not stupid—!"

"Haru," He interrupts, staring me down. "If neither of us are interested in dating, it doesn't matter what you are, or what I am. I'm not going to make a big deal of it, if that's what you're worried about. I'm not weird or creepy like that."

I feel my heart slow to its normal beat as a smile forces its way onto my face. Why did I think he would react differently than this? I guess I forgot for a second there, but Kazuki is a genuinely nice person. He's not going to ostracize me or push me away because of my sexuality.

And yet...He did say "what I am", meaning Kiki was right. And that means I'm not out of the forest yet.

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