Part 62

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"Where's Tonta?" I worry. He's usually with us, but he's nowhere to be found today. "I wanted to play Cat Ranger with him."

"He's tired of playing Cat Ranger with you," Ryuya scoffs, not looking back from the front of the group. "I'll play with you though. Unlike some people, I don't bail on friends."

"He'd do that?" I can't believe it. I thought Tonta was enjoying playing with me. But of course he wasn't. What boy would want to be friends with a creep like me?

"Hey." Miyuki pats my shoulder, making me jump. "Don't look so sad. We'll play with you, right?" She looks back at Yuri and Harue, who nod enthusiastically. I smile as I feel tears gather in my eyes.

"Thanks, you guys."

"Alright!" Ryuya yells, raising a fist in the air. "We're gonna break the world record for the highest high score!"

"Yeah!" I grin. I'm so lucky to have friends like—

My eyes flick open, a hot trail of tears  running down my cheek. I sit up, wiping my eyes until they're completely dry, then sigh. Today's got me reminiscing about the past again. What a pain.

"Bad dream?"

"Kinda," I mutter, then jump, looking up at Kazuki. "What are you doing here?"

"You slept through your alarm," he informs me, and I become aware of a soft sultry voice talking about cauliflower pudding in the background. I hurry to my phone and turn it off, then try to straighten out my clothes as best I can, but Kazuki doesn't leave.

"Is...there something else?" I ask awkwardly.

"Yeah. Kiki called. Said you kicked her out, so it's up to me to make sure you don't wear something embarrassing. I'll trust you can do that."

I nod, cheeks flushed. At least he didn't ask about the Kiki situation, so I don't have to tell him I basically threw her off the balcony. "I can."

"Good." He walks to the door and half closes it before adding, "Do I want to know why she says you threw her over the balcony?"

"She jumped." When he doesn't look convinced I repeat, "She jumped! Besides, she...ah, she knows how to fall right. She's fine."

He smiles lightly. "You certainly have a strange relationship with her."

"Tell me about it," I grumble with a matching smile and he closes the door fully. I open my closet to where I keep my nice clothes and pick out a pair of jeans and a plain shirt, plus a jacket that's slightly too big for me, but Kazuki says it's in fashion so...What do I know?

After getting changed I make my way downstairs to find a delicious looking breakfast waiting for me. I scarf it down, Kazuki confirms my outfit is acceptable, and I'm out the door, walking toward the past I thought I'd left behind.

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