Part 6

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"Your parents moved out!?" Emi stares at me in shock.

"Shh!" I hiss, putting a finger to my lips. "I don't want the whole school to know I'm basically an orphan now."

She shakes her head angrily. "Maybe I should go to America just to give them a piece of my mind! I can't believe they'd leave an idiot like you on your own!"

"Wow, thanks."

She's right, no matter how blunt she is. There's no way I'm going to survive on my own, no matter how much money they send me.

"Okay, I'm coming over every night, and I'm bringing dinner," she decides. "You're not going hungry! Not on my watch!"

I laugh. "You don't have to do  that. I can make myself dinner."

"Yeah, but I can't have you eating cup noodles for the rest of your life," She reaches across the lunch table to pat me on the head like a child. I sigh, but I'm grateful again for having a friend like her. She's always been like my second mother, but I guess she's my first one now.

"Anyway," I decided to change the topic, "Who was that orange haired guy? I've never seen him before..." The lie slips out before I can stop it but it doesn't really matter if she knows about how I broke his phone.

"You don't know?" She grins at me. "Haru, I thought you knew all the hot guys in this school!"

"2D," I remind her. "I'm not a stalker."

"Sure, sure," she waves me off. "Anyway, that's Tsukasa Kazuki. He's in class 7. Hear he moved here all alone, which means he lives alone. I know, smoking, right? Well do not be deceived!" She points at me dramatically. "He's actually a jerk. Never talks, never smiles. Not that the girls care. I heard he gets three love letters every week!"

"Really?" He didn't...seem like a jerk. "That sounds like a lot. Poor guy." I glance over to where he's talking with his friend and the two girls from earlier.

"Really? You broke your phone?" one asks, surprised.

I flinch. Oh no. Is he actually angry?

"You're usually so careful with it. How'd that happen?"

I flinch again. He's careful with it? I bet it never even had a scratch on it before I shattered the screen.

Kazuki glances at me and for a second, our eyes meet. I whip back around to find Emi smirking at me.

"Only 2D guys, huh?"

"Yes." I take a bite of my rice, not the usual sushi I get since the cafeteria mysteriously stopped selling sushi, and instead cauliflower plates. "I'm just...he's an...interesting guy, that's all." When she doesn't stop smirking I repeat, louder, "That's all!"

She sighs, not looking at all defeated. "Sure, sure." Then she leans in and whispers, "I'll help any way I can."

"With what?" I snap and she giggles, leaning back.

"Nothing, nothing."

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