Part 39

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"Wake the hell up!"

"Wha—" I bolt up on bed, my head spinning from the sudden movement. When my world clears I see Kazuki glaring down at me. "What are you doing in my room?"

"I tried to wake you up from outside, but you were dead asleep," he explains, turning back to the door and starting out, school bag slung over his shoulder. "I'll be going now. You'd better hurry."

As he leaves, closing the door behind him, I grab my phone and check the time.

Oh crap.

I leap out of bed, running to the bathroom and speed brushing my teeth, then bolt downstairs and shovel down the breakfast Kazuki left for me. I throw all my books into my bag and bolt out the door, running down the street toward the school.

"I'm so late, I'm so late!" I yelp to myself, jumping over a bush for a shortcut.

Wait. Where did that thought come from? And why does it sound so embarrassingly familiar? Of course! Aside from the missing piece of buttered toast in my mouth, this is exactly the same situation as where the protagonist would run into one of the love interests. They would both tumble to the ground, until the lover would get to his feet, offering a hand and asking, "Are you alright?"

I shake the thoughts away. I don't have toast, so this can't be that. I'm just going to run to school and see my friends as usual, without having to deal with another hot guy.

I see a corner up ahead, but I don't slow down. As long as I watch myself, nothing should happen. Kiki's not even here, so there's no way—

As I round the corner a force hits my knees and I hear a screech as I'm knocked onto my back. I groan, the pain in my head causing my ears to ring. There's the sound of a car door opening and footsteps as I sit up, rubbing the back of my neck, and a pair of fancy black shoes comes into view, along with a wide gloved hand.

Oh no. I was so relieved it was just a car that I didn't consider the fact there might be a hot guy in the car. I look up slowly, past black pants and a black and white suit to a wide set face with sunglasses and a hint of a beard.

"Are you alright, sir?" His voice is deep and strong. "I'm very sorry."

Oh. It's just a grownup. An image of Kiki grinning flashes through my mind and I feel fear rise up again. Would I put it past that monster to set me up with a grownup? Sadly, no. I'll have to approach this situation carefully.

I take his hand and he pulls me to my feet, where I quickly let go and take a step back.

"Don't apologize, Tschuiya" a haughty voice scoffs, and the back door to the car opens, a sparkling boy with blond hair and light brown eyes exiting to stare me down. "He's the one who ran in front of the car, after all. Such a silly boy."

I blink at him. Is he blaming me? After his car almost ran me over? No, I guess it is partially my fault but, still, take a little responsibility, dude.

"If you'll allow me, I'll drive you to school," the driver suggests seriously.

"Oh, oka—" Wait. This is the perfect opportunity for me to be in the car with not one but two hot guys. To be fair, one is over the age of eighteen and the other I kinda want to punch, but still...It's a dangerous situation.

"Why did you pause?" pretty-boy scoffs. "Oh, I get it, you're too overwhelmed with joy to say yes. Well, I'll say it for you, if I must, so get in the car."

I take a deep breath to control my annoyance, grab my bag, and reluctantly get into the back seat. The car starts off and we sit in silence until I sigh.

"Sorry I'll make you late to school."

"Hmph." He flicks his long blond hair thoughtlessly. "One or two tardes will not affect my impeccable appearance at school."

"I see..." Something about him is just so annoying to me I can barely stand breathing the same air as him. I just want to get out of the car—right now.

"But I'm sure you are incredibly happy to be riding in the same car as me." He flicks his bangs again and I choke on a breath, holding back saying everything else I'd be incredibly happy to do to him.

"Well, I do appreciate the ride," I try as truthfully as I can.

"Ah, of course you do." He smiles at me and I look out my window awkwardly. Is he aware how detestable he is, or is this simply his personality? Either way, I feel kinda bad for him. Wait, no I don't.

A buzz in my pocket makes me take out my phone to see Emi and Junta's texts asking where I am. I quickly reply that I got into a small car accident but I'm fine, then switch off my phone, putting it away.

I look around the car, with its posh white seats and windows so clean they look invisible. I feel awkward and out of place here with my unbrushed hair and dirty school bag. Why is a rich pretty-boy like him going to my measly school anyway? Shouldn't he be in some rich private school with all the other rich pretty-boys?

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